Pity Party

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Most days passed the same. Zevon went to work, Megan trash talked Mal, Aviana played with her toys, Maleficent and Jafar sat on the couch and watched reality tv, Mal and Jay either swam or played knockout. Mal didn't let Megan's constant rants and digs at her get under her skin, until the day of the attack. Megan was ranting to Zevon about how much of an inconvience Mal was. Mal was at the kitchen table drawing whatever came to her mind, when Jay jumped down the staircase. "Mal, let's go play knockout!" He cheered. "Okay." She put away her art supplies, and met Jay back downstairs. She and Jay played basketball for a while, until Megan came out. "Can we trust you two alone? We have to run into town for a while." "They'll be fine. They have never set anything on fire." Zevon said. The whole family piled into their car, and drove off. "Uhh. I need more water. I'm going to run inside to get some. You need anything?" He asked. "Nah, I'm good." She sat down on the ground and went to tie her shoes. 

In the 3 minutes Jay had been inside, it was enough time for Ben to make his move to kidnap Mal. When Jay came back outside, he didn't see his little sister. "Mal?" He asked. He caught just a glimpse of her getting pulled away by Ben, and he immediatly picked up a basketball and lobbed it at Ben's head. It knocked Ben over, which gave Mal the time to escape his cluthes, and Jay to run to the blue figure laying on the ground. "Mal, go call the police. Hurry!" Jay said as he pinned Ben to the ground. Less than 5 minutes later, the cops pulled into Zevon's driveway. They took hold of Ben, but Ben somehow wrestled his way out, and ran towards Mal. 

He threw her to the ground and was about to seriously hurt her when the cops threw him to the ground. The handcuffed him, and shoved him into the back of the police car. "We've been looking for him everywhere. How did you find him?" "He tried to kill Mal twice, and then I flipped him to the ground and pinned him there." Jay told the cops as he held out a hand to Mal. Mal took it, and he pulled her up. "You okay Miss?" The cops asked. Mal nodded, "Just shaken." 

After the cops left, Mal collapsed against her brother. "Are you okay Princess?" he asked hugging her. She nodded and shivered remembering Ben's presence looming over her. Later that night, Mal was asleep next to Jay, having a nightmare. The nightmare started out with stuff Mal had handled before, but as time progressed, her dream got worse. All of the events she had suffered from Hades and all of Ben's anger were increased by 10 times, and she woke up screaming. Jay was there for her, and he got her to stop screaming. "What happened?" He asked gently. She explained everything that happened, and the door burst open. "Mal, you okay?" Zevon asked. Mal shook her head, and Zevon came further into the room. He sat down on the bed on the other side of Mal and wrapped an arm around her. "Nightmare?" He asked. Mal nodded, and she was thankful Zevon didn't hate her. "I'm sorry." Mal said softly. "Sorry for what?" Zevon asked. 

"For disturbing the peace of you house. I was instructed to not make a noise or I'd be in big trouble." Mal said looking at her older brother. "Who told you that?" "Megan." "That isn't true!" Megan protested from the doorway. "Ever since she's gotten here, all she's done is complain about how annoying living here is, how much she hates Aviana, and how much she hates all of us." Mal's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. "I don't believe Mal would ever say anything like that."Zevon said. "You're going to belive her over me? You haven't seen her in 12 years Zevon!" "What's that matter? She's my sister." "I've grown up with you when you first moved to Auradon. I've known you longer, and you know me better than you know her." Zevon didn't say anything and then everyone heard Aviana down the hallway calling for her dad. Zevon left the room, and Megan glared at Mal. "You're ruining my family. All you are is a helpless little girl that got dumped by her boyfriend." She called Mal a few more nasty names, and she started to cry. "Crybaby." Megan said and left. 

The next day, Mal avoided Megan, Aviana, and Zevon as much as possible. At breakfast, Zevon asked Mal what she wanted for breakfast, and she left the house. They all watched her from the huge glass window as she walked into the forest followed by a black raven and a red parrot. Whenever the rest of the family invited her to do things, she left without saying anything. Jay was the only one that knew what was going on, and he glared at Megan whenever he could. Zevon noticed what was going on, and he decided to set up a plan to see if his theory was true. He made plans for everyone but Mal and Megan. When Mal was sitting inocently at the table drawing Iago and Raven in full detail, he had his answer. Megan came up and started blaming Mal for things, screaming at her, and then she called Mal a tramp for sleeping with her brother. Mal looked up with a gasp. "That is hardly the truth!" She said. 

"Then what is the truth?" "Do you really want to know?" Mal asked Megan. "Not really. I just want you and your brother out of my house. You make my daughter uncomfortable." "Are you sure this is about Aviana? She seemed pretty happy to be around me yesterday." "I'm 100% sure that my daughter doesn't like yours or Jayden's presence." Mal clenched her fists together, and Diablo swooped down and perched on Mal's shoulder. "Why is there a bird in here?" Megan asked angrily. "You hurt him, we're not going to be in a happy situation. I'm tired of the crap you tell me everyday." Mal said standing her ground. "I believe you're overstaying your welcome." Megan said taking a step towards Mal. 

"I believe you're oversteping your boundries. I did absolutly nothing to hurt you, my brother, or you daughter. Jay and I have been wonderful guests, always staying out of your way and helping out around the house. Why do you hate us so much?" "Because you're taking time away from our everday lives. The cops were hear a couple weeks ago because of you." "BECAUSE MY EX-BOYFRIEND TRIED TO KILL ME!" Mal screamed. "I can't take this anymore. All this is getting to me." Mal said shaking her head. She turned around and stomped towards the door. "Don't bother trying to find me Zevon. I need to be alone." Mal whistled, and Iago flew down and flew after Mal with Diablo. 

"Zevon?" Megan asked. "Why would you say that to my sister?" "She deserves it." "From what I saw, she didn't deserve that. She's been going through some rough times right now. Her ex-boyfriend tried to kill her twice, she's been accused of fraud by the public, she's been called a tramp more than once, and she's trying to be nice to you. She doesn't want to hate you, but you're-" "You don't know Mal." Megan said. "And you do?" Zevon asked his wife. "I can hear Mal and Jay talking through the walls at night. They're always recounting their fights on the Isle, their happy memories, and always laughing. They never once mention your name. It's quite obvious that they're very close. They comfort each other through their dreams, and they share a bed because they know it happens. Zevon, I hate to say it, but you've been replaced by your own brother." 

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