Mal's Birthday

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A week later, it was Mal's birthday. When Evie woke up, she looked over to Mal's bed, and found it unoccupied. Evie sat up, and she immediatly texted Carlos. Carlos texted back that Jay wasn't in his room either. A search party formed of Evie, Carlos, Ben, Belle, Beast, Lonnie, Jane, and Doug, and they started to search all over campus for the two VK'S. "I can't believe this." Evie complained after 3 hours of searching. "It's Mal's birthday, and she isn't even here!" "Did Mal leave a note, or anything saying she's out somewhere?" Ben asked. Out of no where, Dude came running up with a sticky note stuck in his fur. Carlos carefully unstuck the note, and read it aloud, "Gone out with Jay. Don't freak out, or kill anybody looking for me. Signed Mal." It clicked in Ben's head, and he suggested looking at the tree grove by the Tourney Field. The group headed down to the grove of trees, and Ben could easily spot Jay, because of the red, but he couldn't identify any purple. When he saw the purple hair, he was rooted in the spot. 

Mal was in a black and red plaid dress that was longer in the back than the front, and her hair was in a fancy updo. "That can't be Mal. Can it?" Ben asked aloud. No one answered him, and he was thankful. Mal looked absolutly stunning in the dress, and she had on a pair of new black combat boots with chains and various spikes on them. Mal had a camera held in her hands, and she captured a picture of Jay with his hands in his pockets, and the wind blowing his hair away from his face. Instead of wearing leather, Jay was wearing a white collared dress shirt, and black jeans. 

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