The Night Before School

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As Mal fell asleep cuddled up into his chest, Jay tried to fall asleep himself, without allowing nightmares to come through. Jay did fall asleep a couple of minutes later, just by listening to the sounds of Mal's labored breathing. Mal and Jay had no intention of informing Evie or Carlos about their nightmares, as they weren't used to the effects of the Isle of the Lost. It had been at least 4 hours when Jay's nightmare struck. Mal was currently inside of her nightmare too, and when Jay woke up, he could tell by Mal's heavy breathing. Mal would absolutly never wake up from a nightmare screaming or crying. Not once had she even been fazed. At least on the outside. Jay was the only one to know about how her nightmares affected her terribly, but she kept her pain on the inside, and didn't open up to many people. Jay bent his head down and pressed his forehead against hers, and her eyes opened. Her breathing eventually slowed down, and she flipped onto her other side to face Jay. 

"What kind of nightmare?" She asked him out of routine. "Same as always." Jay answered as he sat up. "What is it?" She asked him, her eyes widdening. Jay glanced around the room, and he said, "Ben's coming down the hallway with Audrey. I thought it was..." "I know." Mal whispered. Jay looked at his best friend, and saw behind her flawless expression, that she was scared. Jay slipped his hands under her, and pulled her up so he could hug her. Mal wrapped her arms around him to return the embrace. After a few minutes, the two fell back to the bed. Mal fell asleep after 10 minutes, but Jay stayed awake, watching over his best friend. When she started shivering, Jay pulled the blankets further up over the both of them, and then fell asleep. 

Carlos and Evie weren't the party animals like Jay and Mal were, but they did know how to at least act at a party. This party wasn't as big as the ones that Mal and Jay throw or crash, so it was just a little get to know you gathering. Evie and Carlos were introduced to Chad, Lonnie, Aziz, Jane, Doug, and a girl named Amelia, Audrey's older sister. Ben and Audrey were there too, and everyone seemed to love Evie and Carlos. "How come Jay wasn't invited?" Evie asked and Carlos gave her a look. "How come Jay AND Mal weren't invited?" He corrected and Evie rolled her eyes. "Do you not like Mal, Evie?" Amelia asked, and Evie shrugged. 

"She's just not the greatest person towards me. When we were younger, I used to taunt her because of her height, I also caused her harm, and I might've accidently sent her favorite person off the Isle." Evie said biting her lip. "Who was that?" Jane asked. "Her older brother. He was the only one that ever showed her love, and when I helped send him off the Isle, she attacked me, she was so angry. I still remember the look on her face when she was told she would never see him again. Jay and Carlos are the only ones that can control her when she gets beyond angry, which only really happens if you do something against Jay, Carlos, or her brother. She doesn't care what people do to her, because she uses that anger to push herself to be stronger." Evie explained, and Carlos nodded.

"Mal started our group, and even though she let Evie in, she still doesn't trust her, and she doesn't hate her, just dislikes her." Carlos said. "Will she attack any one of us?" Doug asked and Carlos shook her head. "As long as you don't get on her bad side. She's known as Killer on the Isle, because she's so fierce. But in all honesty, she's one of my best friends, and like my little sister, and she won't give you any trouble, as long as you don't try and do anything to upset her. For instance, if anyone here tries to hurt me or Jay, she'll be right down their throats. Since it's Auradon, she won't be physical, unless she feels threatened, or we feel threatened, or she'll be on you like a bee on honey." Carlos said. "How exactly would Mal feel threatened?" Audrey asked. Carlos and Evie exchanged a look, and Evie nodded. 

"Since this is Auradon, I guess this would be okay to share. She doesn't care who knows as long as no one pities her. On the Isle, she's the baddest of the bad, because she's the strongest, as well as the most hurt. Villains aren't as good as they would seem towards their kids, at least not all of them. Mal gets beat around by her mom a lot. Not a lot, like everyday. Mal is so fierce, because she takes her anger out by training to be stronger. She sword fights a lot with the pirates, and there's not a single one she hasn't beat.She'll only take her anger and pain inside out on you, if you threaten me, and espically Jay. You've all seen by now how close they are, and Jay has a special way of treating her, from every other girl around him."

"Anything else we should know about Mal?" "Don't talk to her about Evie. Just don't. Mal hasn't ever forgiven our blue haired friend for sending her older brother away." "How is Evie responsible for sending her brother away?" Ben asked. "I voted him to leave. I also made sure he left by talking the government into it. He was too kind to live on the Isle, and I proved that he was too kind. So when he left, Mal found out I did it, and she never forgave me." "How old was she?" Lonnie asked feeling bad for the purple haired girl. "4." Carlos said. "What she didn't realize was that Zevon was getting abused heavily. No matter what Mal's feelings meant, we had to-" "He was not abused!" An angry voice rang out. Everyone turned to see Mal in the doorway. Her eyes were livid with anger, and her knuckles were turning white from gripping the wood paneling so tight. "What?" "Zevon. Wasn't. Abused. I would know if my own brother was abused." She said not breaking her glare from Evie.

Evie gripped Carlos's hand as she tried not to let Mal intimidate her. "What else are you telling them?" Mal asked. Evie tried to speak, but her voice failed her. "Mal, why aren't you back with Jay?" Carlos asked. "I'm not a child. I can be treated like my age." She said. "You really can't." Evie said, but she instantly realized her mistake. Mal turned on her, shut her right eye quickly, turned and slammed the door shut after her. "Uh oh." Evie said. "What was that bit about acting her age?" Chad asked. "At night, she can't be left alone, otherwise-" "Evie don't. I don't think Mal would like that, and you're already on her bad side." Carlos warned. "Best be left unsaid." She finished. "Should we go see if she's alright?" Ben asked, and Carlos shook her head. "She's going to be fine by morning. Just act like nothing happened, and she won't think anything of it." 

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