New Students of Auradon Prep

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On the long ride to Auradon, Mal, Jay, Carlos, and Evie were testing out all of the candy sitting in front of them. They discussed like any other teenagers which ones they liked the best. The driver was still quite aggravated from Mal and Jay coming late, although he couldn't hide the fact that the four of them were very different from the teenagers in Auradon. From what the driver saw in the mirror, was that two of the four were sitting very loosely, and the other two were sitting with excellent posture. The boy with dark hair was the easily the tallest of the four, and the girl with purple hair was definetly the smallest of the group. The girl with blue hair and the boy with the white hair were deemed elegant and well groomed. The limo pulled up to the front of the school, and the two boys got out fighting over a blue fabric. 

"You got everything else, why do you want whatever this is?!" Carlos yelled at Jay. "Because you want it!" Jay yelled back, and a woman cleared her throat. All four villain kids stopped what they were doing, and faced the woman. "Welcome to Auradon Prep!" She cheered and everyone saw Jay mutter something to Mal. Without looking, Mal hit him in the shoulder. "I'm Fairy Godmother, this is Benjamin, and his girlfriend Audrey." The woman introduced. "That's Princess Audrey, and this is Prince Ben." A girl in pink said. "Could you introduce yourselves?" Fairy Godmother asked the four teenagers. "I'm Evie, daughter of the Evil Queen." "I'm Carlos, son of Cruella De Vil." "I'm Jay, son of Jafar." Jay elbowed Mal and she jerked to attention. "I'm Mal, daughter of Maleficent." It suddenly got so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. 

"Maleficent!" Audrey squeaked out and hid behind Ben. "No biggie. Just the daughter of the world's most feared villian." Mal said sarcastically. Jay rolled his eyes and Audrey noticed that Mal and Jay seemed very close. So far they had always been near each other, and they didn't hesitate to speak their mind, where as Carlos and Evie seemed very elegant and sophisticated with the royal culture. "You aren't here to kill me?" Audrey asked and Mal started laughing. "If that's all you're worried about, you have a thing or two to learn." Mal said and flicked her eyebrows up. "Ben, are you sure this is a good idea?" Audrey asked her boyfriend. "I'll keep an eye on her." Ben told his girlfriend. Audrey thanked him, and it was time for the tour of the school. Ben took Audrey's hand, and the two led the four VK'S around the school. 

Mal and Jay really weren't interested in learning all about the school, so instead they discussed battle tactics. "No, I'm right." Mal said pointing at herself. "Don't you remember? Harry always strikes left." "He does not." "Yes he does. He holds the hook on his right hand." Mal argued with Jay. "But he writes with his right hand." "Then he must have two right hands if he holds his hook and writes with the same hand, at the same time." "You don't pay attention to anything." "Says you Mr. Deaf Theif." Mal said. "You really are annoying." "You're only as good as your last performance." Mal said and started laughing. "That wasn't my fight okay? I was dead on my feet." Jay said and crossed his arms. "Shoulda listened to me." Mal said and Jay let out a groan. "Why do you have to always prove your point?" He asked, looking down at her. "If you must know, it's because I have to prove you wrong. If I don't, you'll go around thinking you're Mr. Hotshot, knowing everything, and no one will be prepared for that." Mal said and Carlos laughed. "Amen Mal." He said and Mal nodded her head. She went closer to Jay, and jumped up, saying, "SEE?" She landed on the ground and Jay cursed her out under his breath. 

Ben and Audrey noticed that Mal and Jay seemed to be more than just friends. Ben couldn't help but notice that Audrey was also 'secretly' checking Jay out every now and then. As the tour ended, the four villain kids were brought up to their rooms. "The rest of your luggage should be coming up." Ben said and Mal coughed. "Um, we don't have any other luggage." "Oh. Well, I guess I'll just see you all tomorrow." Ben said and he and Audrey left. Mal rolled her eyes and said, "I thought they would never leave." "They aren't so bad. At least they aren't screaming at us." Evie said. "Oh c'mon. You have the nicest mother on the Isle of the Lost. We all know she never screams at you, or never even makes contact with you." "My mom isn't like that either." Carlos said and covered Evie's hand with his. Mal noticed it, and she smirked. "Someone's in love." She teased and Carlos glared at her. "Shut up." "Ooh, big bark for a little dog." Mal said and they all laughed. 

Later that night, Jay sat in his bed awake, not used to the softness of his bed. Carlos had snuck out with Evie to stay with some teens on campus. Of course, their two best friends hadn't been invited with them. Never the less, Mal and Jay had no problem with that. They were so used to being shoved out and not liked, just because of their appearance on the outside, and not to mention their parents. As the dark settled in Auradon, Mal slipped down the hallway, and into Jay's room. She shut the door after her, and shed her jacket and pants off right away, revealing her shorts and tank top. The cold air reminded her of the Isle, and she crossed the room feeling like she was just at home. "Can't sleep either huh?" Mal asked. "Course not Princess. This bed is way too soft for me." Jay said. He looked up at and smiled at his best friend. He scooted over in his bed, making enough room for Mal. She eagerly climbed under the covers, and took her natural sleeping position next to her best friend. "We'll find him. I know we will. All it takes is a little searching." Jay said as he reached out to run his fingers through Mal's purple hair. 

"As long as we stick together, we'll be fine. Just like our parents always said, spread apart and you'll lose the spark. Stay together and you'll be forever." 

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