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The next morning, Mal was getting ready for the day, when she noticed something odd. "Jay!" She called out and he came into the room. "They're just giving us hot water? Or cold water for that matter." Mal said and looked up at Jay. "They have it all set here in Auradon." Jay said and Mal nodded. "Jay! M! Time for breakfast!" Carlos called into the room. "What's breakfast?" Mal asked as the three of them walked into the dining hall. "It's one of three meals we eat in Auradon." Carlos said, and Mal's mouth dropped open. "We get to eat three meals, a day?" She asked and Carlos nodded. "Are you sure that's allowed?" Mal asked and the people around her gasped in shock. "I already asked Ben, and he's sure it's allowed to eat three meals a day." Carlos said and Mal saw that Evie had already gotten food, and was sitting with all the people she had seen last night. There were no other seats available, and Carlos already had a spot at the same table at Evie. "Jay, what do we do?" Mal asked quietly. "Grab a plate, and follow my lead." Jay whispered to her. Mal followed everything that Jay did, and then they sat at the only open table left in the dining hall, only enough room for two or three people. Mal sat down next to Jay, and a moment later, Ben and another guy Mal and Jay weren't introduced were came to stand in front of their table. 

"How do you guys like it here?" Ben asked and Jay nudged Mal with his leg. "Different." "Different how?" Ben asked. "Different, as in, completly different. I've never been able to eat three meals a day, let alone one meal a day." She said and took a pause to take a bite of her food. "What?" Ben asked and Mal looked up. "It wasn't a big deal." She said. "Mal, that is too a big deal!" Ben said and his parents walked into the dining hall. Ben waved his parents over and Mal groaned. "Here we go again." Jay rolled his eyes and went back to eating his food. "Look, I already said it's no big deal. There's no need to worry about me. I've learned to deal with it, and there's absolutly no need to lose sleep over me. I'll be fine. I've always been fine, and there's not a time I won't be fine. And if anyone has a problem with that, you better take it up with my mother Evie." Mal said making air quotes around the word mother. Jay snickered and Mal hit him in the shoulder. Everyone let the matter drop, and then classes started. "Carlos, I'm scared." Evie said. "Why?" "Mal's more angry at me than usual." "Eve, I don't think she's going to do anything. She's busy with something, I can feel it, but I don't know what." Carlos answered. 

Come time for classes, Carlos and Evie ended up in all the same classes, and Mal and Jay were put into the same classes. The only class they all had together was Redimial Goodness 101 with Fairy Godmother. After a week in Auradon, Carlos and Evie were left alone more frequently. "What do you think they're doing?" Evie asked Carlos one night. "I haven't a clue." Carlos said and took Evie's hand. "I just hope, that whatever they're doing, they're doing it for good, and evil." Evie rolled over on the bed, and curled into him. "I hope so too." Evie said. As Evie and Carlos were sleeping, Mal and Jay were searching. Searching the internet, searching through the library, and talking to everyone related to their search. "Jay, I've got it!" Mal exclaimed. Jay looked up from his computer search, and sat back in his chair. "I found out the names of the guys that escorted Zevon to Auradon Prep. We find the guys and ask them." "Or, we could go to Belle and Beast. Beast would probably know everything about the situation, but Belle would tell us what she knows if we tell her why we're looking for Zevon." Jay said and Mal nodded. "Even better." She said, smirking in the dark. 

The next morning, Mal ran out of her dorm, unaware that Evie was watching her. Evie followed her, and she saw Mal meet up with Jay further down the hallway. "What's the plan?" Evie heard Jay ask. "How should I know? You're the one that came up with the idea of talking to Beast!" Mal said and Jay laughed at Mal's anger. "Kidding Princess. I already set up a meeting with him." Evie watched them exit the dorms, and walk across campus. Across campus, Jay and Mal were brought up to talk to Beast. "Oh, the villain's kids." Beast said, not even hiding that he was startled. "Please have a seat." Beast said. The two teens sat down, and Beast cleared his throat. "What can I help you with?" "I'm here to find my brother. The only reason I ever stepped foot in that limo, is to find him." Mal said. "Excuse me?" Beast asked. "My brother. The one and the only Zevon Alexander Pan. Son of Hades and Daughter of Maleficent. He was taken off the Isle of the Lost. The only one that ever left." Mal said. "What do you want to know?" Beast asked. "Where is he? I only knew my brother for 4 years." Mal said and Beast nodded. "I'm not for sure where he's at. He graduated from here, and no one's heard of him since. Finding him here in Auradon is impossible." Beast said. 

After several minutes of Beast reassuring them that it would be near impossible of finding him, Mal and Jay finally left. Mal was in a bad mood the rest of the day, and even snapped at Carlos and Evie. "Guys, don't take it personally. We went to see Beast this morning, and he told us that he didn't know anything about Zevon. He told us it would be impossible to find him, and that really set her off. She thinks she'll never be able to see him again, which is why she's in such a bad mood." Jay explained. "You're going to do something though, aren't you?" Evie asked and Jay nodded. "Of course I am. Hopefully, I've have it accomplished by the time her birthday rolls around." 

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