Family Again

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As Ben was about to say something, Zevon's phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket, and stood up. "I'll be right back." He said, stepping into the bathroom, and shutting the door behind him. "Yeah. In a few days. I promise. I'm sorry, but this is important to me." They heard him say. He walked back out, and he walked over to Belle and Beast. "You two know my father. You know that he wouldn't hurt anybody on purpose." "What are you saying?" Belle asked. "Would you let him off the island? Please? Listen, my dad, he has a wife, three kids, a daughter in law, and a grandchild. He just wants his family. Please. If he does something wrong, he will willingly go back to the Isle." "We'll check into it." Beast said. He was about to say something more, but Jay walked back into the room. He was carefully holding a lizard, and he set it on the ground. He jumped back to sit next to Mal on his bed. A moment later, the lizard became a whirling ball, that eventually came into the form of a woman. 

Zevon pocketed his phone, and Maleficent didn't notice anyone at first except for him. Maleficent threw her arms around her son, and Zevon pointed at his younger siblings. "Jayden, Maleficent!" The blonde haired woman exclaimed. She embraced her children tightly, and she looked at Ben. "You sir, stay away from my daughter." "Umm..." Ben didn't know what to say. "We're going to get your father off that Island." Beast told Zevon. "Thank you, Sir." "My pleasure." Beast answered. He left the room, Belle following him. Ben took Evie's hand, and led her from the room. Evie shut the door behind her, and Maleficent sat down on Carlos's bed next to Zevon, facing Mal and Jay. "Mom, I sorry I shrunk you at the Coronation." Mal said. "No problem pumpkin. It was part of the plan. No harm done, I promise." Maleficent told her daughter. 

"I have a question. Zevon was talking to Beast a bit ago, and he said Dad had a wife, three kids, a daughter in law, and a grandchild." "Oh. That." Zevon said, one handing rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, I'm married to a woman named Megan, and we have a 4 year old daughter named Aviana." He explained. "How come we didn't know this?" "Because you were trapped on the Isle for 16 and 18 years." Zevon said.

"You could've told us though." Jay said. "I know. I should've, but I just wanted it to be about us, before you found out you guys will hopefully be the godparents when we baptize her." Zevon said with a smile. "You waited to baptize your daughter, because you wanted to wait for us?" Mal asked. Zevon nodded, and Mal got up and wrapped her arms around her brother. "Thank you Zev." She said and Zevon hugged her back. "Well, when are we going to meet this people?" Jay asked. "Well, Mom's already met them, and Aviana loves her grandma." "Don't say that Zevon. It makes me sound old." Maleficent said. Her three kids laughed, and a faint door opening click was made. No one noticed Jafar enter the room, until a red parrot perched on Jay's shoulder, and a black raven on Mal's. Jay and Mal looked at each other, and the bird hovered a few feet, as the two shot up and ran to their dad. "DAD!" they yelled as they flew at him. 

Jafar hugged his youngest children, and then Maleficent and Zevon joined the party. "It's been so long since I've seen you all." Jafar said and Mal giggled at her dad's sarcasm. "Well, I hear I've got a grandchild and a daughter in law?" "Yes. Shall we go to my house right away?" Zevon asked. Jafar and Maleficent started walking to the door with Zevon, when Jay cleared his throat. "Mal and I have to stay for school." "Oh. Um, when is summer break?" Zevon asked turning back. "A month." Mal answered. "Well, I can come and pick you guys up at the end of school, and take you back to my house. For now I'll take Mom and Dad back." "Fine, but the birds stay with us." Jay said. Jafar and Maleficent nodded and the three people left. 

"I think I want to dye my hair." Mal said after they left. "Dye your hair?" Jay asked. He ran his hand through her loose purple curls(like the first movie) "Why would you want to dye your hair?" "I don't know. It just feels like I should. Purple really only goes with, well, purple and green. Looking around in Auradon, everything isn't about leather. I kinda want to expirament and get a look that I pick out myself." Mal said. "I understand where you're coming from." Jay said. 

"Also, I'm ready to close this chapter of my life. I don't want to be that tiny girl that lied to be safe. I want to be the Mal that is strong and caring. Is that weird?" Mal asked turning to look at her older brother. "Of course not Princess." "Why do you call her that?" Ben asked from the doorway. "What?" Jay asked. "I asked, why do you call Mal, Princess?" Ben asked. "And why does Mal call Jay, Prince?" Evie chimed in. "When we were kids, we wanted to be Prince and Princess of the Isle, to prove we weren't worthless." Mal answered. "Now, are you two done trying to ruin my life?" Mal asked putting her hands on her hips. "For now." "Just go away." Jay said and shut the door in their faces.

"I thought they'd never leave." Mal said as she sat down on the couch. Diablo the Raven landed back on Mal's shoulder, and nuzzled her hair. Mal held her hand held up a certain way so Diablo could perch. Diablo flew off her shoulder, circled the room, and then landed back on her hand. Mal carefully stroked the bird's feather, and Iago squawked from across the room. "Should I dye my hair and get it trimmed?" Mal asked the three presences in the room. Diablo and Iago both squawked their approval. "I think it would suit your personality a little better." Jay said. "What color?" "How about brown? You'd look even more like me, and we could fool people thinking we're twins." "Besides that?" Mal asked. "It would make your eyes pop and your features accented." "Brown it is." Mal said with a grin. 2 weeks later, Mal was headed off to the salon with Jay. Iago and Diablo flew overhead, but never strayed too far from the two teenagers.

 3 hours later, Mal's hair was completly changed. Mal walked back into the area of the hair salon where Jay was waiting for her. "What do you think?" She asked him. Jay's mouth dropped open and he stood up. "It's going to be weird getting used to this instead of purple." Mal's hair was curled at the ends, and it was dyed a pretty shade of brown, identical to Jay's hair. The only difference was there were redish highlights. Jay had been right, her green eyes popped against her hair. "The good news is, if I use a special hair wash, it'll go right back to purple. Plus I could spell it to be whatever color I want." She said with a smirk. "Come on. Let's go get your wardrobe updated." Jay said. "My wardrobe?" Mal gave him a look, but Jay just grinned. "Come on. It'll be fun." "Fine." She said sighing.  

(Mal's Hair)

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(Mal's Hair)

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