Will the Real Mal Please Stand Up?

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Mal, along with the help of Jay had gotten 15 new items of clothing to exchange for her old ones. Mal kept her purple leather, but it wouldn't be chosen to wear everyday. The last day of school until it let out for summer, was graduation for kids that were 18, which included Jay. So Mal sat in the audience next to Carlos, and watched Jay get up and get his diploma. When it was time for pictures, Mal and Jay ended up cordinating. Jay wore his family day outfit from the first time they encountered Queen Leah, and Mal wore a red dress. 

Jay got pictures professionally done with Mal, and Carlos

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Jay got pictures professionally done with Mal, and Carlos. Since Mal was Jay's only family member there, he felt kind of defeated. His family knew about his graduation, and they didn't show up, which made him feel unwanted. "Hey, don't worry about them. You have me, which is equal to all of their energy, and then some!" Mal cheered hugging him. "Thanks." Jay told his little sister with a smile. Mal gave him her signature grin as a reply. The two partied all night, and when the party closed down around 1 A.M. Mal and Jay went back to his room. Mal knew something was off with Jay, and when she came out of the bathroom in one of his Tourney jerseys and a pair of her shorts, he had his head rested against the wall. "Jay?" She asked. Jay turned, and there was a longing look in his eyes. "We just got our family back, and it suddenly feels as if we aren't wanted." "Jay don't say that. They care about us." Mal said gently. "Then why didn't they show up?" He asked. 

"I don't know. Jay, maybe they just got sidetracked." She told him gently. "My instincts don't tell me that. I'm getting the vibe they care more about Zevon because he's not a complete failure at everything he does." Jay yelled throwing his jacket on the floor. "I'm sure there's a logical reason behind all of this." "Yes there is Mal! It's called Zevon, Megan, and Aviana! Mom and Dad only care about the kid that is important!" "But I thought-" "Everything we thought was wrong!" "Okay, just calm down. We can resolve this problem in the morning." "There is no answer to the problem! Mal, I can already tell they don't want anything to do with us!" Mal grabbed hold of her brother's wrists and gave him a good shake. "Listen. It's always been us against the world since Zevon left us on the Isle. What makes that any different from now?" "Nothing." Jay answered. "Exactly. Don't worry about it right now. We can work this out, just in the daylight." She said. "You're right. I'm sorry." "Don't be. Let's deal with this in the morning." Mal said. 

The next morning Mal and Jay woke up early to get ready for the broadcast Ben had set up. Mal and Jay went down to the board room, and Ben met Mal's eyes with an angry glare. Mal turned away from him, and sat down next to Jay at the far end of the table. "I'm scared." She whispered. Jay squeezed her hand, and Mal squeezed his in return. When the broadcast started, everything started out normal. Ben told the story leading up until Mal's birthday. "But you see, here's the part where Mal's plan to manipulate me failed." "Manipulate you! I loved you, you jerk!" Mal yelled standing up. "Denial is the worst for a psychopath." Ben told the camera. "Lady Mal is right. She is certainly not a psychopath, and she never had any intentions of manipulating my son." Belle spoke out. 

"Mom!" Ben hissed. Belle shook her head. "Lady Mal just wants to be with her family, and she did love Ben. Another boy has made clear intentions of being interested in her, and things between my son and his girlfriend escalated quickly. Lady Mal truely isn't who she really is." Belle glanced at Mal, and she cleared her throat. "I'm not the girl I said I was. My mother put my brother Jay and I under a plan to save us and keep us with our parents forever. The only reason this happened, was because their beloved son Zevon, our older brother, was taken from the Isle for 12 years." Mal said. 

"Ben accused me of having an affair with two different guys, guys that I'm close to, and called me several things that shouldn't have been said. He is angry because I didn't tell him, but I was afraid. I was afraid of ruining everything, and that my family would never be able to be a family again. Everyone here in Auradon has a family, and they love them to death. My family is a little different than your average family, but we're still a family. We just want to be together, and to live in peace." Mal went on further to explain everything, and added in a couple of details Ben hadn't been told. 

Ben stood up and crossed the room to stand in front of Mal. "Why didn't you tell me any of this?" "I wasn't allowed to, I'm sorry." Mal said. Jay took one look at Ben's angry face, and he stood up. Ben started yelling, and then their broadcast took a fatal turn. Ben hit Mal. And kept hitting her. Belle's mouth dropped open, and Beast was filled with rage. He pulled his son off his girlfriend, and Jay wrapped his arms around his sister, shielding her from Ben. "What makes you think you can hit a girl? Haven't you learned anything?" Beast asked his son. Ben shrugged and crossed his arms. In the end, he was sent to jail for assulting a minor. "Your lies will come back to bite you. AND I'LL LIGHT THE FUSE!" Ben screamed before getting taken away. 

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