Zevon's House

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A couple days later, Mal and Jay were packing all of their stuff up. Since they didn't live in Auradon prior to school, they only had one duffel bag full of their stuff. They were waiting for Zevon to come pick them up outside the school, when Chad approached Mal. "Hey Mal, can I talk to you?" "Yeah." Mal said standing up. They walked a few steps away and Chad started conversation. "I'm sorry about kissing you. It kind of destroyed everything in your life." "I don't blame you for everything crashing. It should've been revealed when we first got to Auradon." "So you don't hate me?" "No." Mal shook her head with a smile. "Mal!" Jay called out. Mal turned her head and saw Zevon and Jay standing. "I've got to go. Call me?" She asked. "Why?" "Because we're friends. Friends call each other." Mal said, and Chad smiled. "I've never had a friend." "Well, now you do. Bye Chad." Mal said and ran to her brothers. 

Zevon hugged his younger siblings, and then he led them to his car. He opened the trunk, and put their bags inside. Mal and Jay got in the back and watched Zevon get buckled in. "So, where do you live?" Mal asked. "Just outside of Auradon City. I live out by a little forest with a pond." Zevon said. The drive went in silence, and when they pulled up to his house, Mal and Jay gasped. "This is your house? How?" Mal asked. "Working hard." Zevon answered. 

Mal and Jay retrieved their bags from the trunk, and followed Zevon into the house

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Mal and Jay retrieved their bags from the trunk, and followed Zevon into the house. "Daddy!" A little girl yelled and ran to Zevon. Zevon picked his daughter Aviana up, and she saw the people behind her dad. She waved at them, and Mal waved back with a smile. "She's so cute Zev." Mal said and Zevon turned. "Isn't she just the cutest thing?" Zevon asked and Mal nodded. Zevon's wife walked into the room, and saw Mal and Jay standing there with Zevon. "Who are you?" Megan asked. "Meg, these are my younger siblings, Jayden and Maleficent. They prefer Jay and Mal though." Zevon said. "Jay is 18, and Mal is 16." While Megan and Zevon talked, Mal nudged Jay and pointed out the huge glass windows. "Diablo and Iago." He whispered. "At least they love us." Maleficent and Jafar came into the room, and Maleficent gasped. "Mal, what did you do?" Mal turned and asked, "What do you mean?" "Your hair and you aren't wearing leather." "Oh, I got my hair dyed." "Why would you do that?" "I got some clothes that I love that don't go with purple." She said quietly. 

"You need to change your hair back." "But I like the brown." Mal said. "I don't care. You're going to dye your hair back." Mal didn't say anything, and a frown settled on her face. "Also, we're going to update your clothes. Whatever your wearing isn't who you are." "What's wrong with my clothes?" Mal asked. "Too casual. There's no leather. That isn't who you are." Mal didn't say anything again, and Maleficent smiled. "We've come to an understanding then." Megan didn't see the problem with Mal's clothes, but she asked Zevon if his two siblings were staying at their house. "Of course they are Meg. They don't have any place else to go." "We don't have enough room for both of them." "They can fit in one room. They wouldn't mind." "What do you mean by that?" Megan asked. "They've always shared a bed because of the nightmares they would have." 

After about two weeks of them living there, Mal woke up one morning, and saw everyone sneaking out of the house. "What about Mal and Jay?" Zevon asked. "They aren't invited." Megan said and Mal held her hand against her mouth to keep from making noise, but Jay still heard her gasp. "So the truth comes out." He said appearing behind her. "I thought they weren't like this." "Princess, the first warning bells rang when Mom demanded you change your hair back to purple. No one even reacted or thought it was wrong." Mal sighed and she looked up at him. "I just want to be a family." Jay reached out and hugged her. "Come on. Let's go find something to eat, and then go swimming." He said. Mal smiled, and followed him downstairs. They ate some cereal and got into their swim suits. Mal met Jay downstairs, and they went outside to the huge pond that was crystal clear water that was well managed. 

They put on sunscreen, and Jay got a facetime from his Tourney Coach's son. After five minutes Mal gave a huff, and started to whine. "Come on Jay!" "Mal's there?" The coach's son Jason asked. "Yeah. We're staying at our brother's house." "Jay, if you don't hurry up I'm going to push you in!" "I'm sorry Jason, I'll call you later." Jay said. He thought that Jason was going to hang up, but as he set it down, the call was still going. "Okay. We've got the whole place to ourselves." Jay said. The two dove into the pool at the same time, and just started swimming around. After a while, Jay got out for some reason, and Mal snuck up on him, which scared the life out of him, knocking him into the pool. Mal doubled over laughing, and Jay pulled her into the pool. Mal surfaced and the two laughed together. 

After they swam for a few more hours, they decided to eat lunch. Jay started up the grill, and made hamburgers and hot dogs. He made enough for the people that had ditched the two of them. "Mal, come on!" Jay called to his younger sister. Mal climbed out of the pool, and wrapped a towel around her. "Can you grab my phone?" He asked her. Mal nodded, and she grabbed his phone. She noticed the call was still up and she told Jay as she handed him the phone. "Huh, I thought he would've hung up by now. The food is almost done. I'm going to call him quick." Jay said. He called Jason back and Mal started to braid her hair. She pulled her legs up onto the chair with her, and started to eat the hamburger he set in front of her. "Thanks." She said and continued eating. Jay hung up his phone and sat down next to Mal. He took a hamburger, and when they were done eating, they went back to the pond. This time they got floaties, and let the sun give them tans. 

Zevon and the rest of their family was just getting back from their outing, and got back just in time to see Jay tip Mal off her floatie. She screamed, and then disapeared under water. She surfaced and glared at Jay. "Payback." Jay said with a smirk. "Touche" She said. "What's going on here?" Megan asked holding her daughter. "Swimming." Jay answered. "Why would you do that without permission?" Megan asked. "Because we weren't invited on your little outing, as you stated this morning." Mal said leaning on the rock wall. Megan didn't say anything and she looked towards Zevon. "Do I smell burgers?" "I made some for you guys." Jay answered. Zevon thanked his brother and the whole family took off for some food. "Why do I get such a negative vibe here?" Mal asked. "Because that's what they're feeding us." Jay replied. 

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