Party Fail

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"I really hate to ruin the moment, but could someone explain to me what the heck is going on?" Ben asked putting his hands on his hips. Mal didn't answer, as she had her face buried in Zevon's leather jacket. Jay turned to Ben and said, "This is Zevon, Mal's older brother. He got booted off the Isle of the Lost when Mal was four, and I was 6, because the devil was too nice to be living amongst villians. Mal took his leave of absense very hard, if you can't tell." Zevon pulled a box out of his leather jacket, and he handed it to Mal. Mal opened it, and her mouth dropped open. "How?" She asked. "I have my ways." Zevon said with a smirk. Mal reached inside the box, and she pulled out a gold necklace chain, that had a pendant of a little golden Forever Rose. The little golden rose was protected by a glass cover, on a piece of stained wood.

 The little golden rose was protected by a glass cover, on a piece of stained wood

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"Zevon, this is-" "I know, I know. I didn't know if you were still the same as when you were 4." "Don't say that! I love it! It goes well with my bracelet." She said with a smile. Zevon looked at her wrist, and Jay said, "Why don't we go inside for some cake?" he started walking inside, but stopped when Zevon called out his name. Zevon had Mal's wrist in his grasp, and he said, "Jay, explain this." "I know I shouldn't have done it, but I did, and it made Mal happy." He explained nervously. "Jay, you could've gotten yourself killed!" Zevon said. "No one would've come near me on that dump." "No one except our-" "Shut up." Jay hissed. Zevon understand what Jay was saying and he remained quiet. "Well, breakfast anyone?" Evie asked, breaking the silence. "I'm starving!" Came several replies. As the big group went to breakfast, everyone else presented their gifts to her. Mal opened her opened her gift from Carlos, and she gasped. "Carlos, this is so beautiful!" She took the necklace out from the box, and Carlos turned a deep shade of red.

 "Carlos, this is so beautiful!" She took the necklace out from the box, and Carlos turned a deep shade of red

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"I had a lot of time on my hands." He said quietly. "You made this? Carlos, that's incredible!" Mal exclaimed and hugged him. Carlos turned even more red in the face, and Mal sat back down. Evie told Mal that her present went along with Ben's. Ben's gift was a party that the entire kingdom was attending, and Evie's was a purple dress Mal absolutly adored. 

"I can't wait!" Mal cheered excitedly

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"I can't wait!" Mal cheered excitedly. The rest of the day, Mal spent with her brother and Jay, and they filled Zevon in on everything that had happened the past 12 years. "So no one in Auradon knows the truth?" Zevon asked and Mal shook her head. "We've been sticking to the cover, but we're starting to run into problems. Everyone on the Isle didn't come near us out of fear, but the people here, want to know us, and want to come near us. It's like the complete opposite." "And Mom is in your room, just as a little lizard." "You got it." "What about dad?" "He's on the Isle still." Mal told him. Zevon nodded, and it was approaching dusk. "We should go get ready for the party." Jay said. The three of them ran into the school, to Mal's room. Mal put her dress on as Jay went to see if any of the clothes in his closet would fit Zevon. Mal had trouble getting the zipper all the way up her back. When Zevon came to help her, she moved her hair out of the way, and his heart dropped to the bottom of his chest.

"Mal...who the fuck did this to you?" He asked. "Did what?" Mal asked looking back at him through the mirror. "Your back. Who the fuck did that?" He asked as he zipped up her dress. She didn't answer and he spun her to face him. "Tell me straight to my face who did that to you." He said sternly. "Not dad." "Then who did?" He asked. "Um..." She bit her lip, and she was teetering on the verge of crying. "Don't cry Mal. I want to know who hurt you, because I care about you." Zevon said taking her hands. "Hades." "That-" "Don't. No one here knows anything. Maleficent's cover just stuck. It's never been pondered through, and no one knows anything near the truth." "How has that stupid plan been working?" Zevon asked as Mal started putting a bit of makeup on. "Problems are starting to happen because of it. Everyone's super suspcious of us, even Carlos. Evie and Ben are getting super mysterious, acting like they're detectives."

"Shouldn't you tell them the truth?" "And risk-" "What's the risk? We'll bust dad off the Isle, we'll take Mom with us as well as Jay, and live together in my house." "I don't know Zevon. It just doesn't seem like a good idea." "Your call." Jay came back with something to wear for Zevon, and they headed off to the party. The three of them entered the partying grounds for Mal to be swept away by all the attention. "She's handling so much at once it's amazing." Zevon said. "She's gotten good at it." Jay said. The two guys stayed out of the cameras until Mal sat down in between them. "Well, well, well. We've heard quite a bit about you three being very tight knit. Is that true?" A reporter asked. "Very. Before we were seperated, there wasn't a second we weren't apart." Zevon answered. "Ahh, Lady Mal's older brother." "That is me." Zevon replied. "How do you feel knowing your younger sister will someday be queen?" "As long as she's happy, I'm happy." He answered.

A few minutes later, Mal was whisked away again, and when she finally got another moment to breath, she was leaning against the wall. "Rough night?" A voice asked, belonging to a blonde haired boy Mal knew. "Chad? What are you doing over here?" Mal asked. "Avoiding the cameras. I thought this party wasn't going to have any cameras at all, and they swarm me whenever I go out in public. I really dislike all the attention." "I don't mind it, until the camera start prying into my life." "I hate that." "Agreed." Mal said. The two started talking for longer, and the paparazzi were going crazy for it. Ben was notified and as he was weaving his way through the crowd to find her. He broke through the crowd, just in time to see Chad kiss Mal. Ben was outraged, and Mal pushed Chad away. She had an innocent look on her face as she said something to Chad, and then slipped into the crowd. Ben followed her, to see her with Jay. She had a panicked look on her face, and Jay had his hands on her shoulders trying to calm her down. 

"Princess calm down. No one can blame you for this." "No, Jay, you don't understand. Ben was right there, he saw it happen!" Mal said, panic etched in her voice. "If you tell him the truth, he'll understand." Jay said and Ben glared at Mal when she met his eyes. Her eyes jerked away from him and the cameras were now on the upcoming screaming. Ben almost towered over Mal, and she shrunk away from him in fear. He started screaming at her, and she was frozen in time. She didn't move as she took everything in that Ben was saying, until the very end. She couldn't hear everything he said, but he did mention having an affair with Jay. "What?" She asked. "I said, why is Jay the only one here? You guys seem really close. Close enough to have an affair." "How dare you! Those are the most filthy words that have come out of your mouth!" Mal shot back. "Now she has a voice! Of course you get a voice as soon as I say something about Jay." "At least he knows how to act in front of a camera!" Mal shouted, and Ben stood up straighter.

Zevon, Belle, and Beast cut through the crowd. "Benjamin, what is going on here?" Belle asked. "That tramp is sleeping with everyone here!" He yelled and that's what pushed Mal past her breaking point. "BENJAMIN!" Beast exclaimed and Ben didn't react. "Come on Mal. Let's go. Fight me, that's the only thing you're thinking of. That and sleeping with vertually everyone!" Mal bit her lip and turned towards the door. Jay's eyes narrowed, and he turned to face Ben. "Okay brave man, let's go. You want to fight, cause I'll fight you." Jay threatened. "Oh please, you don't scare me."

"I'll show the whole crowd scared. You want to know something about being scared? The Isle of the Lost, everyone living there, is afraid of Mal and I. They don't speak our names without fear. When we used to walk the streets, kids our age would cower in fear, and run to hide. We could steal anything at any time, because shop owners would be afraid to confront us, or even tell us no, without their life being in danger. That's being scared, and I won't hesitate to make you feel the same way for what you just did." "You're just like Mal, a theif that sleeps around." Before anyone could react, Jay was in Ben's face, staring him down. "Care to repeat that?" He asked with a smirk, telling Ben he better keep his mouth shut. Ben shook his head and Jay laughed. "Good answer." He turned on his heel and slammed the door shut behind him. 

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