The Truth Comes Out

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When Jay got back to his room, Mal was crying, and Zevon didn't know what to do, as he had never seen her cry. Jay shut the door, and he wrapped his arms around Mal. "Ben's a jerk. Don't let him get to you." Jay said. Mal didn't know what she was going to do. There was a few things that the people of Auradon were going to find out soon, and Ben wouldn't be happy about either of them. Mal turned to take off her shoes, and Zevon watched her carefully. He never remembered his sister being like this. She never showed emotion, and she never seemed that close to Jay before. 

As Zevon watched her, it was as if magic had happened. He saw the side of his little sister he never expected to see. Mal went into the bathroom to change out of her dress, and she came back out wiping at her tears. She was wearing one of Jay's Tourney Jersey's and a pair of shorts. She folded herself back into Jay's embrace, and buried her face into his jacket. 

Jay filled Zevon in on what happened, and Jay had to leave for a few minutes, Mal stayed behind with Zevon. Zevon was a little unsure of what to do, but he figured it was like back at his house. He embraced his sister, and when she relaxed in the embrace, it was like he held the key to knowledge. When Jay came back, there was a whole pack of people to go with it. "Look what I happened to drag in." Jay said with a groan. Following him was Ben, Belle, Beast, and Evie. "Mal, I need to talk to you." Ben said and Mal gave them a simple answer. "Go away." "Mal." "No." She said. "It's clear to me that you don't give a crap about me, so go away!" 

"I just want to know one thing." "What is it?" Mal asked. She sat herself next to Jay and Zevon and met the eyes of the four people standing in front of her. "Mal, are you alright dear?" Belle asked. Mal shrugged and said, "I'll be fine. What is your question?" She asked Ben. "Why are you so close to Jay? It's not like he's your boyfriend or anything." "We're close because we are." Mal said crossing her arms. "Just. Tell. Me." "No. You accused me of cheating on you with Jay." "Why don't you refer to him as something." "Because I don't." "JUST ANSWER ME ALREADY YOU TRAMP!" "That's it. I'm not a tramp. You're going to feel VERY stupid when I tell you the truth." Mal said standing up. Jay pulled her back down before she could advance any further. "Oh yeah?" "Yeah. We'll see who's the stupid one." Mal said. As Belle watched her son go at it with his girlfriend, she could see Mal's redded cheeks, stained with tears. "Tell me then Tramp." "Jay's my brother." 

"WHAT?" All four of the people facing Mal exclaimed. "You heard me. Jay, is my brother." "I thought Zevon was your brother!" Ben yelled. "He is! Our mother is Maleficent, and our father is Jafar." "You've got to be kidding me!" Evie screeched. "Why would I be kidding?" Mal asked. "What else don't we know about you?" Ben asked. "My mom didn't hit me. My dad's enemy did. Way more than I said." "Why is this all coming out now?" Evie asked. "Because that's the way our parents set up our life after Zevon left. Mom and Dad were scared that Jay and I would disapear from them too, so they made a cover for us to stay safe." "Explain everything. I want the truth, and I want it now." Ben demanded. "Fine." Mal said. 

"As you know, Zevon was taken from the Isle of the Lost when I was four, which would've made Jay 6, and Zevon 12. As Zevon was getting shoved into the back of a royal car, Jay was holding me back from running to him. As Zevon looked back, he yelled at Jay to take care of me, and that he loved us both. After Zevon was put into the car, Jay and I ran back to Maleficent's house. We told her that Zevon was gone, and she immediatly got Jafar. They made us sit on the couch until they were done talking. They explained a plan to us, which involved us falling under a cover to stay safe and with them. The cover was to say that Maleficent would hit me, and Jafar hit Jay, so we'd be rough, tough, and bad to the bone. They told us this, because they knew Hades already layed his hands on us. I wanted to be with Zevon so badly, I didn't want to follow this plan, until two years later." "Why were you so close to Zevon anyways if he was 8 years older than you?" Ben asked. "Because he was the first one to show any sign of love to me. Zevon is my older brother, and it was like he knew everything in the world." Mal explained. 

"Well, the plan worked out great, until a week before we left for Auradon. People on the Isle were getting suspicious of us, and we knew we had to escape. So we did. We came to Auradon, and our slate was clean. No one knew us here, and we had one goal in mind. Finding Zevon. When we were told by your dad we'd never find him, we lost hope. Jay and I searched and searched, but we couldn't find anything that had a lead to finding him." 

"How I found Zevon was kinda hard." Jay said. "I had to go through his records of when he first arrived and where he went to college after graduating here. After the college records stopped, I went to the college, and I found out from some of his classmates where he lived. I went to his house, and he was so surprised to see me. Of course he recognized me, and he immediatly asked me where Mal was. He wanted to be reunited with us together, so I told him about her birthday, and how she would die if he showed up, and that's how we're here together." "What about the rest of the plan?" Ben angrily demanded. "You see how that worked. You thought I was having an affair with Jay. That's discusting that you would say that, and then call me a tramp, when I didn't do anything wrong." Mal said softly looking down. 

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