Sleep on the Floor

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Jace woke up early the next day for no particular reason. He tried for so long to fall back asleep, but couldn't. He looked over and saw Clary was still sound asleep on her side of the bed. He loved how peaceful she looked while she slept, so he didn't want to wake her. Plus, he knew how angry she would be if he woke her up without reason.

As quietly as he could, Jace slid out of the bed and quickly got dressed. He decided to check on Jamie and see how her first real night in the institute was. He made his way to her room and knocked on her door. He wait for a response, but heard none. She must still be asleep. He thought. He turned the door handle and found it was unlocked, so he pushed the door open.

He quietly stepped into the room expecting to find Jamie asleep in the bed, but rather found the bed untouched. Panic through him as he thought about every possible thing that could have happened to her. "Jamie?" He called out, but got no response. He checked the bathroom and even the chest at the end of bed thinking she might have gotten scared and hid, but again found nothing. "Jamie?" He called again. He decided to check the closet. He opened the door and flicked on the light.

He almost didn't see anything, but out of the corner of his eye, he found Jamie curled up in the corner, sleeping. Jace sighed a sigh of relief and walked over to her and picked her up. She didn't wake up, but she did snuggle into his chest. He tried to lay her in the bed, but she had a fist full of his shirt. He decided it would be easier to lay down in the bed with her, rather than try to untangle her fingers from his shirt.

After an hour, Clary had made her way into the room and found Jace laying with Jamie, still holding onto his shirt.

"Jace, what..." She would have continued, but Jace held a finger to his lips, indicating that she should needed to be quiet. He motioned for her to come around the bed to where he was.

"She was asleep on the floor in the closet and when I tried to move her, she wouldn't let go of my shirt. I didn't want to wake her up by trying to pry her off." He explained.

"Oh." Clary smiled at how caring her boyfriend was. "Well, I'm going to call Emma and Julian to come by the institute. I think they could help considering were so busy now."

"That's a good idea. Get them here and fill them in." At that moment, Jamie rolled over, still not waking up. "I'm free!" Jace joked and they both laughed. "Let's go call them."

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