Next Day

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Magnus woke Alec, who was shocked to find his boyfriend awake and completely fine. "By the angel!" Alec exclaimed. He quickly jumped out of the bed and pulled the warlock into a hug. "How are you awake?" Magnus quickly explained that Jamie had found her powers and used all her energy healing him.

"Is she okay?" Alec asked worriedly.

"She'll sleep well into tomorrow. She's exhausted herself. It'll happen many more times as she figures out how to control it."

"We should tell Jace and Clary." Alec said. "They'll be surprised to know that she has powers."

"We will." Magnus responded. "But right now, it's late and they're probably asleep."

"Are you going to tell Julian?" Alec added. He made a mental note that he was still a little frustrated with Julian.

"In the morning. For now, we both need rest. It's been a long day." Alec agreed, mostly because he missed his bed in the institute.

Without discussing it, they both moved towards the bed where Jamie was. Alec moved to pick Jamie up, with the help of Magnus, and he carried her to her room. Magnus followed closely behind, his hand on the small of Alec back, so he could open the bedroom door and pull the covers back.

Once Jamie was tucked in Alec led Magnus to his room. There wasn't another word until they awoke in the morning. Magnus was first to wake up. He found himself held down by Alec, who had his head on Magnus' chest. Magnus enjoyed watching Alec sleep; he liked how peaceful Alec looked when he didn't have to hide behind his shadowhunter demeanor. Magnus also like Alec's curly, black hair. Magnus wrapped the curls around his fingers and twirled them until Alec woke up.

When he did, Alec looked up at Magnus and smiled. "Good morning." Magnus said.

"Morning." Alec said with a scratchy voice. "What time is it?"


"Mmm." Alec rolled over and stretched out a bit before returning to his original position.

Magnus continued to play with Alec's hair while he lost himself in his thought. "Alec." Magnus said.

"Hmm?" Alec was enjoying the feeling of Magnus playing with his hair, so much so that he almost fell back asleep.

"I've been thinking." Alec perked up. "Seeing you last night, caring for Jamie..." Magnus though about how to word his sentences right. "I liked seeing you care for her and I couldn't stop thinking... You want kids, don't you?"

"Why are you bringing this up again?" Alec thought back to the night he found Jamie. The argument they had was about wanting kids. They both agreed that that they wanted kids, but they couldn't settle on a shadowhunter baby or downworlder baby.

"Ever since you found Jamie in the alley, you've changed. You've almost become her adoptive father."

"Because she had no one else. Her real father is a piece of shit."

"You're right, but you didn't let Jace become her adoptive father, not even me. Every morning, you were the first up to come check on her. You took over and took care of her. You even yelled at Julian for allowing her in the rain."

Alec thought for a moment about what was being said. "I do want kids. I always have, but I always imagined having a shadowhunter kid who I could relate to. I never imagined that I would need to decide what kind of kid I wanted."

"That's not what I asked." Magnus spoke slightly disappointed.

"I know, but the next question is always 'shadowhunter or warlock?' That's always where this conversation goes and then we end up fighting and not talking for three days."

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