Memory Frgments

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Clary and Jace sat in their shared office. Clary sat behind the desk reviewing what they knew about the rogue downworlders; Jace sat in one of the chairs opposite Clary as he read a book.

A light knock came at the door. "Come in." Clary called. The door opened and a black haired boy walked in with a much smaller. blond girl by his side. "Emma! Julian!" Clary stood from her chair and went to hug them. "Thank you for coming so quickly."

"It's no problem. Diana agreed to stay back and keep the kids." Julian hated leaving his brothers and sisters, but he knew his duties as a shadowhunter required him to. It was revealing to know that their tutor was there to take care of them.

"We want to be here. We want to help." Emma clarified.

"Well, we need the help. We can't have everyone working like we need when we have to leave people with Jamie."

"We understand. How is she settling in?"

"She's okay. She's having to learn about everything and I think it's been hard for her."

"Kit was the same way." Julian said.

"Well, lets get into the case." Clary said, taking her seat behind the desk again. "Here's what we know." Clary and Jace explained everything they knew, making sure to go over every detail. "That's all we know. We don't know where the rogue downworlders are or what their motives are, but we think they're near Brooklyn because that's where all of the reports keep coming from. Jem and Tessa are helping and we should hear from them soon."

"Awesome, I think if Emma and I started looking at the warlocks in New York, we might get a lead." Julian said.

"Yes. Maybe Catarina might know something." Emma inserted.

They would have continued, but the office door opened and everyone stopped to see who it was. Jamie was there, still in her bed clothes, only her hair was back to a yellow color. "Did I interrupt?" She asked. "I'm sorry." Jamie started to turn and leave.

"No." Julian spoke up. "I think we're just about finished." He didn't know why, but he felt his breath escape him.

"Jamie, come meet Emma and Julian. They're going to be helping with the investigation." Clary informed her.

"Do they know who my father is? They might not want to help once they know." Jamie found it hard to look at Julian; he made her feel uncomfortable and she couldn't explain why.

"We know." Julian responded, even though the question wasn't directed at him. "And we don't care. It isn't right what he did to you and we want to help end what he is doing."

"You don't care that he is the Prince of Hell?"

"No, we don't."

Jamie went to Julian and gave him a hug. "Thank you." Jamie said no more, but rather walked right passed Julian and went straight to Clary. "I'm hungry." She said so softly that it was almost a whisper.

"Oh, okay. We'll get you something. I'm sure Emma and Julian would like something to eat as well."

"Yes, please." Julian said, trying to lighten the mood. "I'm starving."

"You're always starving." Emma joked and everyone laughed. Well, almost everyone. Jamie just stood there with a confused look on her face.

"Let's go get something to eat." Clary led the way.

Julian and Emma stayed back as the others walked away. "I didn't expect her to be so..." Emma had trouble finding the correct words.

"I know. But you've got to remember that she's been shut away for a long time and she doesn't even remember most of it. She only knows what memory fragments she has and what she has experienced over the past twenty-four hours."

"You're so good as taking care of people."

"I've had years of practice." Julian remembered his siblings and how he raised them since the Dark War. Emma and Julian raced to catch up with the others. Julian pulled Jace back. "Jace, how much does Jamie remember?"

"Not much. Memory fragments come and go, but so far she only really remembers the room she was kept in. If we ask her what she did, she couldn't tell us; ask her where she slept, she could give you every detail."

"Do you think their memory fragments, or more memories Asmodeus chose for her to keep?"

"I never thought about it like that, but it does make sense. Asmodeus took only the memories that could lead us to the rogue downworlders."

"But he didn't take the memories that would lead us to him."

"He never expected to lose her." Jace and Julian said no more and continued to walk with the group. They made mental notes of this new discovery.

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