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Jamie and Alec stood outside the infirmary doors, willing each other to go in. Eventually, Jamie grabbed Alec's hand; Alec squeezed her hand and opened the door.

"By the angle." Jamie said when she saw Magnus laying in bed. "Is he okay?"

"We'll know more in the morning. For now, he just needs to rest." Clary spoke as she pulled Magnus' shirt down to cover bandages on his torso.

"Sometimes, I forget how lucky we are to have iratzes." Jace said.

"That's a rune, right? Just put on of those on him." Jamie wanted nothing more than for her brother to be alright.

"Jamie." Clary spoke up when no one else would. "It's not that easy. Only shadowhunters can draw and receive runes. Magnus is a warlock; it would be too painful, and it wouldn't even work. And that's if it doesn't kill him."

Jamie felt the room start to spin around her. She tried to take a step , had to grab for Alec, who had refused to leave her side.

Jace rushed to her aid. "Are you okay?" He said as he grabbed her shoulders to hold her up.

"I don't feel good." Jamie responded.

"She's in shock." Alec said. "Here, sit down." Alec turned her, so she could sit on one of the empty beds and he sat next to her.

"I'll be alright." Jamie said, after a minute. "I just got dizzy. Alec? Will you tell me what happened?"

"Jamie, I..." Alec tried to protest.

"Please, you can't protect me from everything. I want to know."

"Okay. Well um... As you know, Asmodeus sent demons to our house, tracking demons to find you. We fought them off and I thought we were done, but it wasn't until I heard Magnus calling me that I knew something was wrong. I found him on floor in our bedroom. The demons caught him off guard; they came from behind."

"What are his injuries?"

"A few broken ribs and a bite from one of the demons." Alec looked at Jamie, who had fallen silent. I tear fell down her cheek; he used his thumb to wipe it away. "He's going to be okay, Jamie. Okay? We gave him medicine to make him sleep, so he's not in any pain right now."

Jamie nodded and asked to be left alone with her brother. Everyone agreed, but Alec stayed behind. She didn't care, though; she liked Alec's presence. They sat on either side of Magnus as he lay on the metal framed bed. He didn't move. He almost looked dead; Jamie would have thought he was if it weren't for his subtle breaths, visible only by the rise and fall of his rib cage.

Jamie thought of how she must have looked when she was laying in the same bed, only months before. She wondered who sat beside her and who worried for her. Jace? Alec? Clary? She also wondered about who her mother was. Had she been saddened when her child was taken away? Did she know she had a child or was she even alive? She wondered if Magnus had these same questions and if he had the answers he so desperately wanted.

They had sat in the infirmary for hours. Alec had fallen asleep on an empty bed, but it was impossible for Jamie to relax her mind. She questioned a shadowhunter's ability to sleep in the middle of a war. She found herself holding Magnus' hand and she had placed her other hand on his torso where Clary had placed bandages, none too different from the ones that once covered her own body. She wished she could take his pain away and just talk to him.

After months of people taking care of her, Jamie decided it was her turn to take care of someone. She remembered Magnus talking about how he used his powers. She remembered him saying how he focused his whole being into what he was doing. Jamie tried to do the same, she focused everything she had on wanting to heal Magnus.

She could feel it working. She felt a wave of comforting warmth start to flow through her. It was nothing like the burning flames she had when yelling at Alec. Jamie got nervous and lost focus, the warmth faded away. She cursed at herself before deciding to try again. She focused in on healing and the warmth slowly came back. She willed it flow through her veins and into her hands. "Come on." She said to herself. "Come on, come on." Her hands turned to a light blue color and she could feel the warmth leave through her hands and absorb itself into Magnus.

Jamie sat still, hoping it had worked, but nothing happened. She didn't know what she had expected to happen, but it wasn't nothing. She cursed again, this time she got up and started walking out of the infirmary. She found it difficult to walk without leaning on something, the room spun around her.

"Jamie?" She heard a grizzly voice from behind her. She turned around to find Magnus sitting up. "What happened?"

"Magnus!" She wanted to run to his side, but could barely walk.

"Careful. What happened?" He asked again, getting up from his bed and rushing to her side.

"Your house was attacked. You were bitten by a demon and broke some of your ribs. You must be in pain."

"I'm not." He spoke. "I feel completely fine."

"Really? I can't believe it worked."

"What worked? Jamie, what did you do?"

" I wanted you to get better, so I focused, just like you said you did, and my hands turned blue and you woke up." Jamie clung to Magnus to hold herself up.

"You used your powers." Jamie saw Magnus' face light up with a smile. He repeated himself, "You used your powers."

"I did." Magnus reached out and pulled Jamie into a hug, saying how proud of her he was. "Magnus?" She interrupted. "I don't feel so good." Jamie passed out in Magnus' arms. Magnus move quickly to place her in the bed he had just left. He wished he could give her strength, but his magic was still too low from fighting the demons, it was going to take another full day for his magic to replenish. For now, only rest would be enough for Jamie.

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