What Happens Now?

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Alec left the infirmary to go get Magnus from the library. He knew he should be running, but he was dreading the conversation they were going to have to have. So, he purposefully slowed his pace. When he finally reached the library, he placed his hand on the door handle and sighed. He pushed the door open to find Magnus behind a stack of books.

"Alexander." Magnus spoke as he looked up.

"When did you get here?" Alec asked.

"Not to long ago. I needed to borrow some books and I hoped we would be able to talk since your phone seems to have died." Alec felt his heart stop. He didn't want to discuss what happened.

"Magnus, please, it can wait. The girl woke up."

"She did?" Alec nodded. "That's wonderful. Does she remember anything? Anything at all?"

"No. She can't even remember her name."

"I feared this would happen. Come look at these letters. They were in the backpack she was carrying when she was attacked." Magnus pushed the letters to to opposite side of the table to allow Alec to see. Alec quickly studied the letters. Addressed to Ragnor Fell and dated for a week ago.

"Ragnor? I thought he died."

"He did, but look here," Magnus pointed to the papers on the desk. "Mentions of Asmodeus. I can't decipher most of the script, but I think its saying that she was kidnapped to do dealings for someone associated with Asmodeus. My best guess is that they had Asmodeus take her memories so she couldn't tell anyone what they were doing. Here," Magnus pointed to another letter. "It mentions 'clave will burn' and something about 'rebuild from the ashes.'"

"So what are we dealing with? A new age Valentine?"

"I think so, but the girl will be no help if she doesn't remember anything." They stood in silence, not knowing what to do next. "We should go talk to her. Maybe Asmodeus left some memory fragments."

Jace sat next to the girl, helping her with a bowl of soup. "Careful. It's hot."

"What is it?" The girl asked.

"Chicken Noodle Soup. You've been asleep for three days. You need to eat something." Jace picked up the spoon and fed her a couple bites before he handed it over and she was able to feed herself.

After a few more bites, the door opened and Alec walked in followed by Magnus. The girl startled when she caught sight of the tall warlock; she dropped the bowl and the soup spilled into her lap. With out thinking, Jace jumped back to avoid the mess. He grabbed a towel and started cleaning the mess.

"I'm sorry." The girl said. "I didn't mean to."

"No need to be sorry. It was an accident." Alec stated. "I want to introduce you to Magnus. He's been doing some research to find out who you are."

"Magnus?" The girl tried to get off the bed, but her legs were too weak to support her. Jace offered his assistance and helped her walk over to where Alec and Magnus stood. The girl reached a hand towards Magnus' face and gently placed it on his cheek. "I know who you are."

"You do?" All three boys in the room spoke at the same time.

"My keeper talked about you. He said you had the same eyes." She said.

"As who?" Magnus asked.

"My keeper."

Magnus took the girls hand and removed it from his cheek. He held it with both if his. "Who was your keeper?" Magnus felt he already knew the answer, but he remained calm so he didn't scare the girl.

"I never knew his name. I can only remember his eyes. He kept me in a tiny, dark room." Everyone stood in silence. No one knew what to do or say next.

Magnus was the next to speak after a moment of silence. "Were your... keepers eyes a green color?"

"Yes." The girl spoke. "They had gold in them." Alec and Magnus looked at each other with wide eyes. "What? Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry."

"You didn't say anything wrong." Jace said, placing a hand on the girls shoulder. "We're surprised because we thought you didn't remember anything."

"I didn't think I did. I don't know... That memory just popped into me head."

"Memory fragments. They're always left behind whether it be amnesia or demonic. Even the prince of hell can't take everything."

"Wait. What?" The girl was confused, as expected. Magnus snapped his fingers and held his hand open while a book appeared out of thin air; the girl backed away and fell into Jace. "What...?" She didn't have the words to finish her question.

Magnus flipped through the book until he found the page he was looking for. "Does your keeper look like this?" He held the book to the girl, showing a picture of a man with cat-like eyes.

"He looks familiar. I think that's him."

"What are you getting at, Magnus?" Jace stepped in.

"Her keeper was... My father." Magnus still found it hard to say that Asmodeus was his father.

"I don't understand. Who is your father?" The girl asked.

"My father is Asmodeus. He's the prince of Hell." Magnus slammed the book closed and swore under his breath before turning and stomping out of the infirmary; Alec followed closely behind.

"I feel like I'm doing everything wrong." The girl turned to Jace.

"No, you're not. Magnus doesn't have a great relationship with his father."

"How did he do that..." The girl snapped, imitating Magnus' magic.

"Magnus is a warlock. He's a downworlder who can perform magic."

"What's a downworlder?"

"A downworlder is part human, part demon. There are many kinds; warlocks are only one. There are also vampires, warewolves, and fairies." Jace spoke, but caught a glimpse of the girl looking confused. "Yes, they're real." He chuckled. "I know it's a lot, but you'll learn in time."

"Jace?" The girl asked. "How much of my memory am I missing? It seems like it's going to take a while to learn everything."

"Quite a bit. It seems like you're missing almost all of it."

"So I have to relearn my entire life." The girl sat on the nearest bed, half out of exhaustion and half because she felt like she was about to cry.

Jace moved to sit next to her. He hated that she had been kidnapped and held hostage by the Prince of Hell. He angry towards Asmodeus for being able to do that to a person. He felt almost as if she was a sister to him and he had this need to protect her from everything. Jace wrapped his arms around the girl and allowed her to cry into his chest.

"Listen," Jace said. "You are not going to do this alone. Everyone in this institute is here to help you and stand beside you."

"But I don't even know my own name." She girl continued to sob in Jace's arms.

"Then why don't you pick one? It can be anything you want."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Jamie?"

"Jamie. I like that. It seems different."

"I like it, too. It seems to fit you." Jace wiped a tear away from Jamie's cheek. "I think Clary has your room set up. Do you want to go see it?"

"My room? Like the one I was kept in?"

Jace felt a stab at his heart. The only thing this girl knows is pain and suffering. He though. He wanted to cry now. "No. It's nothing like that. It's much bigger and brighter. You'll have your own bed and bathroom and you'll be able to leave when ever you want. If you want, we can even repaint it and you can redecorate it to look how ever you want."

"I wouldn't even know where to begin."

"That's okay. You have all the time in the world to do what ever you want. Let's go see it."

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