Monster In The Mirror

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Jace walked with the girl by his side. He liked how she would get excited over things he never thought to question, things such as a flower in a vase or a spider web in a high up corner no one could reach. They rounded a corner and found Clary standing outside of Jamie's new bedroom door. She was busy typing on her phone, looking worried.

"Clary." Jace said to get her attention, noting her worried expression. "What's going on?"

"Another demon gathering was reported." Clary responded.

"Like the one who attacked me?" Jamie asked.

"It's not listed what kind they were. Izzy and Simon are on patrol and I just sent them the report."

"Jace..." Jamie whispered.

"No." He responded, knowing what she was thinking. He knew she was scared they would attack her again. "Demons can't get into the institute. Only people with shadowhunter blood can get in. As long as you're here, you're safe. Okay?"

She nodded. "Okay."

"Clary, this is Jamie. You two have not properly met yet."

"We haven't have we? I've been so busy that everyone else has had to fill me in." Clary said. "Though, I was told you didn't know your name."

"I-I don't. Jace gave me the name 'Jamie.'"

"Well, I suggested it." Jace said as he smiled at Clary. "It fits her pretty well, doesn't it?"

"It does." Clary responded.

"Are you a shadowperson, too?" Jamie asked. She had a million questions to ask.

"A shadowhunter. Yes, I am." Clary answered.

"If you and Alec are shadowhunters," Jamie started, pointing to Jace. "And so are you..." She pointed to Clary. "Does that mean that I am a shadowhunter, too?"

Jace and Clary stopped smiling. They really didn't know how to answer. "The truth is..." Clary started. "We really don't know. Until we know who you really are, we won't know what you are. If that makes sense. Until we do know, we've set up this room for you." Clary turned and opened the door, revealing Jamie's room.

It had a large bed in the middle of the room and a desk was tucked away in the corner. "We know it's not much, but we can always get more for you. And remember, you can always redecorate." Jace said.

"It's so big." Jamie said, stepping into her new room.

"Not all of the rooms are this big. A few are set aside for the head of the institute and their families, so they're much bigger than the ones that are used for short-term guests."

"So this room is for family?" Jace nodded.

Clary gave a mini-tour of the room. "Over here is the closet. We've put some clothes in there for you. Mostly some of mine and Izzy's old clothes that are too small for us. This door over here is the bathroom." Clary walked to the opposite side of the room and opened another door. "Jace and I have a room just down the hallway and Izzy and Simon are just around the corner. If you need anything, just come by, okay?"

Once Jace and Clary left, Jamie was alone in her room. She looked around and found that the bathroom had both a bathtub and a shower. It also had a large vanity with a sitting stool and mirror. She remembered back to the room she was kept in by her keeper. It had been so small. There was no bathroom or bed; she was forced to relieve herself in a bucket and sleep on the floor.

Jamie shuddered at the memories and left the bathroom before she could remember anymore. She decided to look at the clothes that Clary said were in her closet. Upon opening the closet door, Jamie found a full length mirror standing in the corner of the walk-in closet. All of the clothes fit on one side of the closet. They were mostly black and leather, but there were a few brighter colored shirts and jeans mixed in.

Jamie continued to rummage through every drawer and cabinet she could find, most of them being empty. After a while, she realized that she had no memory of what she looked like. She knew she was short and had blond hair, but wanted to know what her face looked like and what her body looked like. She decided to go into the closet and look in the full length mirror.

She opened the closet door and walked to the opposite corner where the mirror was. She stopped just before she could see herself and took a deep breath, preparing herself for the unknown. Jamie took a couple more steps towards the mirror and finally saw herself. Short, pale skin, and blond hair. She also saw grey eyes and collar bones that stuck out.

She continued to to look at her body and slowly took in every detail. She still had bandages over most of her wounds and took note of every cut and scar. Her eyes made their way back up to her face and hair and she noticed that the girl looking back at her was no longer herself. Jamie screamed and punched the mirror, breaking it into thousands of tiny pieces that fell to the ground along with drops of blood from her knuckles.

"Jamie?" She heard someone calling for her from the hallway. Thinking it was her keeper coming back for her, she slammed her bedroom door shut and locked it. As she backed away from the door, she heard footsteps from the hallway and the door handle jiggling. "Jamie! Let me in!" A males voice. It must have been her keeper.

She backed away further, her fear increasing. She knew she had to hide from her keeper to keep him from finding her. She opened the chest that sat at the end of the bed and found it empty. She stepped in and closed the lid just as the door swung open.

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