[Location: The airs of Mistral]
The airship housing Ozpin/Oscar, Qrow, and the young Huntsmen in training flies over Mistral. Making its way to Vale with haste. Just inside, most of the students talk amongst themselves of the upcoming war. All except.....
Nora: WAAAGH!! I didn't even get to eat my pancakes!
Beyond that, the rest were concerned with other things as they are seated. Such as what is now happening to the world.
Jaune: The war of Remnant. My god...
Ruby: Just saying it is a lot to take in. I mean who are these Children? Why are they doing this? And... why were they talking about Salem like they knew her?
Sitting in the back with Qrow, Oscar just twittles his thumbs with a worried look. Qrow looks over and sees this.
Qrow: Hey, kid-or Oz?-you all right?
Oscar: Y-yeah.... No. I mean, what just happened? I-... Ozpin kills one person, and now World War II happens. How?
Qrow: They must have been allies with Salem. And honestly, not much else is known about these weirdos. However, they don't seem that threatening. If what we found in Mistral was all they had, it just might be a small fanatic group thinking they're bigger than life. I've met plenty like them.
Before Oscar could blurt out the rest of his sentence, he clamps his mouth shut and looks towards the others if they heard him. None of them did. He takes a breath and whispers.
Oscar: After Salem died, somenone or something, leveled half the forest and pretty much killed everyone in it in mere moments. We barely made it out alive by airship! And I think that it's going to take part in all of this from now on. Doesn't that worry you in the slightest?
Qrow looks at Oscar with his eyes slightly widened. He takes a moment to collect himself before responding.
Qrow: Of course I'm worried. To be honest, I'm kinda scared shitless. But listen, once we get a hold of Ironwood, we'll find a way to handle this.
The young boy looks at Qrow for a second before taking another breath. As he looks out the window, Qrow pulls out his signature flask and takes a swig.
Without warning the airship suddenly snaps to the side, the inhabitants inside shaking from left to right until they're flying out of their seats. Before anyone could say anything, a loud crunch of metal rings out as a cloud of black mass launches from the front of the airship and straight out of the tail. Without the cockpit, the ship begins to descend to the earth as the sound of the rushing wind drowns out everyone's screams. Oscar looks ahead and can barely make out the rushing ground through the smoke and twisted metal. The airship violently shakes one last time before everything goes black.
Ozpin: 'Oscar! OSCAR!'
The boy's eyes snap open as he gasps, face down on what could be the remains of the floor. He puts his hands under him and tries to get up. The moans and groans of the others can be heard he struggles. What catches his attention is the groaning of metal as rays of light shines in. He looks up and sees a tall and dark figure stepping inside. What he notices the most is the decorated white mask staring right at him. It starts walking towards him as he struggles to get on his feet quickly.
Ozpin: 'Oscar, give me control! Quick!'
It proves fruitless as the figure grabs him by the neck, lifting him up to eye level with it. They stare at each other, Oscar looking into nothing but two empty abysses. The figure pulls its free arm back and transforms it into a black blade, aiming it at his chest.
Ruby: No!
Before it could impale him, it snaps it's head towards Ruby's direction. It looks between Ruby and Oscar a few times before looking back at her. It seems as if one of her legs is broken.
???:... This will make a fine trade.
The blade turns back into an arm. The figure simply tosses Oscar at a wall, not taking its eyes off of Ruby. He hits his head against the wall and falls to the ground hard. As he begins to lose conscience again, all he hears is the fading thuds of footsteps.
A few minutes later, Qrow finally wakes up. He quickly sits up and clenches a hand to his head as it throbs. He looks around and sees he is outside of the airship along with some of the students. Ren, close by, sees him getting up and rushes to his side. A little worse for wear on closer inspection.
Ren: You're awake!
Qrow: "grunt" Wish I wasn't. What the hell happened?
Ren: Something brought down our airship. The pilots are dead, Jaune and Blake are hurt badly, and we're trying to find the others.
Qrow looks back at the Airship. Practically unrecognizable from the crash. He spots Nora walking out as she carries someone in her arms.
Nora: I found Oscar!
Ren: Set him over here. I need to check on Blake and Jaune.
He gets up and jogs away to another direction. Qrow keeps looking around as Nora sets an unconscious Oscar next to him. After a few seconds, he spots Weiss and Yang digging through some of the debris.
Weiss: I don't see her, Yang.
Yang: Just keep looking! She has to be here!
Qrow gets back on his feet with a slight wobble. He reaches into his pocket to find..... no flask.
Qrow: "sigh".... All right, where exactly are we?
Ren: Just outside of Kuchinashi. We're close enough to travel on foot. If we leave now, we can get Blake and Jaune medical help.
Yang: We can't leave yet!
They look back over to the wreckage and see Yang lift up a large chunk of metal and toss it to the side, scanning all around. Weiss has stopped searching and is looking at her teammate with worry.
Weiss: Yang, we've already checked this area three times. She's not here.
Yang: She has to be! I'm not leaving my baby sister here in this crash!
She digs through another pile of scrap. A look of panic plastered on her face as tears begin to well up in her eyes. Qrow walks up behind Yang as she keeps digging.
Qrow: Yang.
Yang: I-I just need to keep looking.
Qrow: Yang!
He wraps his arms around her and pulls her back up. She starts to thrash in his grasp.
Yang: Let go of me!
Qrow: Yang, enough! We're not gonna find Ruby here. We need to get Jaune and Blake to a hospital, immediately!
Yang struggles for a few more seconds until she goes limp in her uncle's arms. Tears streaming down her face.
Yang: Please. Please, God. N-not like this. Not like this...
A/n: October 27 is when volume 6 comes out? Great! Maybe now I can get some lore information to move this damn story along!

The Children
FanfictionNow this is the story all about how our lives got flipped, turned upside down. And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there, I'll tell you how the four kingdoms of Remnant all fell one by one. The sequel to the surprisingly well received story...