Now this is the story all about how our lives got flipped, turned upside down. And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there, I'll tell you how the four kingdoms of Remnant all fell one by one.
The sequel to the surprisingly well received story...
The Great Dunes of Vacuo, an endless sea of sand with the occasional bolder dotting the landscape. Among this vast definition of fuck all sits a small oasis of a pond with a handful of pom trees surrounding it. To any poor sod lost in the desert, it's either salvation or a sick trick of the mind. Either way, the small area suddenly gets crushed by a giant bolder. An abnormally large bolder. Suddenly, the area around becomes engulfed in shadow as another building sized bolder crashes down just a ways away. Not long after, the first bolder is lifted up in the air and sent forward ahead of the second. The large shadow following suit.
Both bolders attached to a humongous beast of sand and rock, the Mountain.
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The colossal rock monster, eyes and maw glowing with unnatural energy, prowls across the Great Dunes in search of anything, anything to crush in one step. That's all this beast wants. Find, crush, repeat. Whether it be man, Grimm, or watering holes, it didn't matter to it.
As it goes about its business, two distant ballistic missiles streak across the sky and strike it in the side of the head. The missiles detonate on contact and causes smoke and fire to engulf half of its stony face. Unfazed, the Mountain whips its head through the smoke to where the missiles came from. The dull light in its eyes quickly brightens to the assualt as a low guttural rumble bellows out of its gaping maw.
Off in the distance are several tanks and assualt jets barreling towards the Titan of Vacuo. A combination of sleek modern vehicles alongside old reused war machines traveling across the sands to combat the giant foe. More missiles launching from the occasional war rig to hit the Mountain.
Shrugging off more missiles, the Mountain starts stomping towards them. The earth shaking with every step it takes.
Back over at the attack convoy, among the aerial infantry, three bombers soar through the sky with lethal packages primed for delivery. Within one of the three bombers is a pilot by the name of Curt.
Curt: Yeah, I'm back.
Hands firmly on the controls, he flies alongside his allies as the sight of a giant fuck off monster soon comes into view.
Curt: Ho hoooly shit, you are a big bastard.
Radio: Vulture 1 to 2 and 3, confirm visual of the target. Over.
Vulture2: Target confirmed to Vulture 2. Over.
Curt: No fucking shit.
He reaches over to the radio and flips on his connection.