The Children of the Holy Father. A culture and religion spanning several millennias in complete secrecy from the rest of Remnant. Whether in the shadows or in plane sight, this planet wide organization is only known by those of higher position. Only as mere rumors of a society nearly as old as history. A society that has been preparing for a time of great strife. A culture that has lashed out against the world after one fatal error.
After the loss of some of their brothers and sisters, and the death of His daughter, the Children have set out to correct Remnant's last mistake. Not only as warriors of war, but as preachers of harmony yet to be. To the masses of the Four Kingdoms, they only hear the ramblings of madmen and fanatics. Yet to the few among them, they listen. They listen to the promises of change in their words and the certainty of it all in their voices.
Among them are individuals who now join for the same purpose, yet with different reasons. To some, it is a chance of revenge. To strike back at those who have wronged them. Repentance of past wrongings upon them and those who no longer stand with them. To others, it is their way of helping to better and protect the world they cherish.
On an unmarked road, a large vehicle travels through carrying a hand full of new recruits within. Around four in total this time. Sitting on the left side, sporting a black shirt with a dust infused ballistic vest and jeans, is a snake faunus by the name of Coal Fox. Omega as he calls himself, for whatever ungodly reason. Most noticeable of his features is the injuries he sustained in the past. A deep scar traveling from his left cheek to the bridge of his nose. Prosthetic replacements of his right leg and left arm are the easiest to spot from him. The plastic texture making them obvious on inspection. He peers through his black green tipped hair as he stares at an object in his hands. His yellow serpentine eyes scanning his mask with a painted skull. A crosshair adorned on its forehead. Most noticeable of all is the live snake softly coiled around his neck. His name is Steve.
Sitting next to Coal is a man in a black cloak and pants named Nexus Partisam. Exile, to those that know him. His light brown eyes hidden behind his eye lids as he rested against his seat. Cross armed with his wristblades as a sniper rifle rests on his lap.
Across from them sits the only girl in the vehicle. With no edgy nickname to stand behind, she simply goes by the name of Skylar Yvette. Dark red hair flowing down to her shoulders. With a maroon trench coat over black clothes. She looks over her crossbow, Ardent Whisper, as she continues to look like an Alucard cosplayer. Minus the glasses, hat, and guns.
Sitting next to her, the youngest among them, is Draco. Simply Draco. One of Atlas's (MANY) experiments on people to make super soldiers. Wearing all black, he sports a coat and a hoodie covering his head. His red draconic eyes barely peeking out. Pulling off a half dissent Alex Mercer look.
Besides the sound of the engine, silence befalls upon the group. After a few minutes of nothing, Skylar sets her weapon down and looks around to her fellow passengers.
Skylar:........ Soooo yeah, my name's Skylar Yvette. Nice to meet you all.
Draco and Coal, and little Steve, look over to her for a second. Caught off guard from the sudden lack of silence. Nexus continues to nap. The lab experiment decides to greet her back first.
Draco: Draco.
The snake faunus stores away his mask and extends his real arm out to her for a handshake. She reaches out and returns the gesture.
Coal: Fox. Coal Fox. Omega Coal Fox. Sleeping Beauty over here is Nexus Partisam. Nice ta meet ya.
Coal: Oh, and this little ass hat around my neck is Steve.
Skylar: Charmed. So how much longer until we get to... where ever it is we're going?

The Children
FanfictionNow this is the story all about how our lives got flipped, turned upside down. And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there, I'll tell you how the four kingdoms of Remnant all fell one by one. The sequel to the surprisingly well received story...