Now this is the story all about how our lives got flipped, turned upside down. And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there, I'll tell you how the four kingdoms of Remnant all fell one by one.
The sequel to the surprisingly well received story...
A/n: Well, the Corona Borealis hasn't gotten to me yet, so that's a plus.
Another day, another scene in Vacuo involving sand. Somewhere in the western region of the kingdom, a single bullhead flies through the air. Within the transport sits Sara, Victor, and a handful of bandits and Children preparing themselves for a rescue mission mid-flight.
Whilst the more battle ready were silent, what with the idea that most of them are going to die, one young specialist talks a bandit's ear off to pass the time.
Sara: On a side note, I'm a little bummed about never unlocking my semblance. But, honestly, that's fine. It's just a literal super power that I can live without, no biggie. It doesn't need to define who I am. But it would be useful in a pinch... I wonder what it would be though. Maybe something cool, like duplication or teleportation. I'd settle for just x-ray vision. If I end up with something dumb like changing something's color, I swear--
The bandit she was talking to suddenly stands up and walks over to the bullhead hatch. Sliding the door open, the sound of rushing wind whistles about as the bandit just jumps out and plummets to his death. Sara looks to the open door that he jumped out of for a second before scooting over next to another bandit.
Sara: Anyway, I just realized something. What's your boss's semblance? If a chameleon faunus can already change the colors of their body, do they get a semblance either way--
Bandit: I, honest to god, don't care.
Over in another seat, Victor goes about sharpening his knife for the hundredth time on this flight. Not long after, static blares from the radios before the pilot's voice comes on.
Pilot: We're coming up on the meetup point. Drop off in fifteen seconds.
Children and bandits start collecting their personal shit and wait just a moment before the vibrations of the bullhead landing signals them to leave. Once it lands, the hatches slide open as its inhabitants pour out to what appears to be the entrance to a small makeshift base inside a cave. Sara and Victor exit last and see the premade base before them.
Sara: We should be able to find Mesa here.
The newly arrived arrivals enter the occupied cave and make use of themselves anyway they can. The two specialists ask around and seek out the bandit commander further in the cave. Making their way in, they pass by more bandits and Children that were assigned here previously. Some more walking later, the duo come across a tent that looks much nicer than the other makeshift huts behind them.
Making their way in, they spot three individuals around a table. Two heavily armored figures, and one feminine figure in lighter clothing. Her back turned to the newly arrivals. The two scary fucks snap their attention to Sara and Victor as the woman just turns her head slightly.
???: What is it?
Sara: Urhm, we're looking for somebody named Mesa. We're the reinforcements.
The woman turns around to face them, revealing a blue crop top just up to her breasts with white outlines, showing off a light complexion of skin, along with a pair of blue bracers and pants to match the coat. The crop top barely shows what looks like a yellow cloth wrapped tightly around her upper chest. A similar fabric is wrapped around her head as well, covering up her eyes and letting a small amount of dirty blonde hair out the back.
Besides the fact that she's basically blind, the most noticeable feature is her yellow lynx ears popping out the top.
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