Now this is the story all about how our lives got flipped, turned upside down. And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there, I'll tell you how the four kingdoms of Remnant all fell one by one.
The sequel to the surprisingly well received story...
Alright, listen up, young'uns! There is a Wattpader by the name of Tacoguy02 that has written a RWBY fanfic that isn't shit. Go harass his page by following him and checking out his story. It's some good shit. Thanks a bunch.
Within a section of Remnant untouched by the war, the leader of the Children, Pastor Absoliman Nichts, spends his time meditating. Trying to calm himself for his public appearance in less than an hour. If all goes well, he will successfully acquired not only sympathizers, but possibly new allies as well. However, the risk of failure is almost as worrying as being stopped.
He is taking away the support of the people from his enemies right in their own land. If he is captured, it will land a harsh blow on his Children... Thankfully, he is not alone on this journey.
Somewhere in the Eastern coast of Vale, within a building commandeered by the Children, the Pastor isolates himself in a barren room to prepare his little speech. However, given the fact that he declared World War Two on Remnant and swore to raze everything that is related to the old world governments, convincing the people to change sides would be a difficult task. Almost hilariously impossible.
But for him, as long as his semblance remains strong, herding the stubborn sheep won't be a problem.
As he figures out ways to try and avoid stirring an angry mob, Nichts suddenly hears a familiar voice speak out behind him. From someone that definitely wasn't in the room before. A life long friend and personal guard, Tollgerr. Leader of the Children's Acolytes.
Tollgerr: Only ten minutes until we depart, Pastor.
The man in black robes turns around and faces the owner of the voice. A fairly taller individual in a much more detailed robe of varying shades of gray with red highlights. A hood and metallic mask hiding his face. Resting on his hip, a long mysterious silver rod dangles at his side. After many years with the warrior, Nichts knows full well it is Tollgerr's signature weapon. A strange bit of tech that ignites into two blades of condensed plasma.
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At the moment, Tollgerr simply awaits Nichts' command. While the man himself wonders how he was able to sneak inside the room.
Nichts: Are your Acolytes prepared?
Tollgerr: They always are.
Nichts: Then let's make our way. No point in delaying.
The robed warrior steps to the side to allow Nichts to pass through. As he leaves the room, Tollgerr follows close behind. Leaving the building and towards their destination. A central fountain in a town square. The sun about an hour or two from sunset.
As the two walk out of the building, several individuals in black robes immediately follow behind the pair. Obviously the Acolytes assigned to protect the Pastor along with Tollgerr. A very intimidating sight as they travel towards town.