[Grimm castle]
Pyrrha: Pull!
Over on a balcony, a clay plate suddenly launches out and flies through the air for a good half a mile. A gunshot goes off, followed by silence. After a solid second, the faint sound of shattering echoes out. Back to the balcony, Pyrrha's Grimm pale complexion can be seen as she holds her Miló. Barrel emitting smoke.
Standing next to her, Penny reaches down to a pile of more clay plates and lifts up another. She winds her arm back to as far as she can. All of a sudden, her torso begins turning to the hip with multiple metallic clicks. She finally comes to a stop as she waits.
Pyrrha: Pull!
Penny soon swings her body back into position. The plate is launched from her grasp and zips out of the balcony. Pyrrha follows the plate with her rifle as she waits. The plate continues to fly out, almost out of sight.
She fires a shot not long after. A second later, a distant shattering rings through the air. Pyrrha lowers her rifle and tilts her head to the side. A slight popping sound coming from her neck. She sports an annoyed expression.
Pyrrha: "sigh"
Penny: Is something wrong, friend Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: Nothing. Just... bored. We've been back for half a month, and we've barely done much. I've trained on the other methods to use my semblance, and so far that's the only thing any of us have done that's productive. No offence.
Penny: None taken!
She picks up another clay plate as they talk.
Penny: On a side note, there is something that worries me. I haven't heard much from Ruby ever since Father brought her back. Would you happen to know what has made her sorrowful?
Pyrrha knows full well what happened With her. Still shocked that Ruby's own father attacked her the moment she arrived back home. Although Pyrrha is wary about Ruby abandoning her mission to try and go home, she is still sorry for her with her father's death. Especially when she killed him herself.
Pyrrha: Um... She learned that her dad died. Taking it really hard, you know.
Penny: Really? Oh, that is awful!
She prepares another toss as she waits for Pyrrha.
Pyrrha: Honestly, I just hope that it will be resolved quickly. We have more important things to do and Father does not need to waste his time counseling her. Pull!
Penny flings another plate out. Once again, Pyrrha skillfully leads her shot and prepares to fire.
Penny: That sounds a little harsh to say about a friend. Also, calculating your tone, mannerism, and general response involving Father, it sounds like you might be jealous for the attention.
This catches Pyrrha off guard. Her eyes widen as she snaps her head towards the android.
Pyrrha: I'M NOT-
She points her rifle back towards the direction of the plate and fires a quick shot, turning to Penny again.
Pyrrha: I am not jealous.
Pyrrha: I just think, with Father's unnatural capabilities, it would be more advantages if He were to focus on other things than on just one person.
Penny: And He's using those capabilities to try and help her feel better so she will be at her full potential. Being emotionally distraught will compromise our goals, and she is too valuable to be left as is.

The Children
FanfictionNow this is the story all about how our lives got flipped, turned upside down. And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there, I'll tell you how the four kingdoms of Remnant all fell one by one. The sequel to the surprisingly well received story...