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A/n: Hey hey, you silly little mortals! How you doing? That's great. Listen, before we start the chapter, I have a small favor to ask y'all. Or at least some of you. A certain Wattpader I know by the name of Tminer912 has recently joined the U.S. army and, just like Penny, is becoming combat ready! What I'm asking you to do is go over to his page and hit that follow button. Help him reach the 100 follower mark to show your support! Or don't. It's not like I'm gonna find where you live, hold you at gun point, and force you to do it. 'Cause frankly that's too much work. Anyway, do what you want with this information. Let's get on with the story.


3rd p.o.v.

In the Castles study, Eve and Penny are seated within the vast collection of books. One with a literal synthetic smile and the other with a bored expression.

Penny: I thank you for your time to answer a few of my questions, miss Eve! It's very important to take record of such a rare specimen like yourself. I look forward to documenting your short time and experience in Vale.

Eve: Your positivity makes me nauseous. Why exactly do we need to do this?

Penny: I've been tasked with documenting any new anomalies that could be of worth studying for future purposes. On to the questions. I know that being a biological descendant of the Father implies that you inherit some supernatural abilities that goes against everything I understand. So anything that should definitely not make sense will be chalked up as, what He has described, magical b.s. First question. How old are you?

Eve: Three months, at most.

Penny: And you spent most, if not all, of that time in the city of Vale. Specifically Beacon. I've noticed that you have a much higher understanding of your surroundings. Even for your accelerated growth and the presence of magical b.s., that doesn't explain how you are able to understand speech and cognitive awareness in such a short period of time.

Eve: I spent most of my time in the school's library. The language was annoying to understand. Afterwards I started learning what I can, figuring out the world I ended up in.

Penny: Now I wasn't there to witness it, but I've been told that a creature called the Witch that is capable of causing devastating damage. And yet Ruby and Pyrrha have said that you dispatched it with significant ease. Is that true?

Eve: I have dealt with it a few times before. Extremely dangerous, but predictable if you have any sense to pay close attention.

Penny: I'm excellent at such a thing! One time in the Vytal Festival, I made sure to pay close attention to my overloading sensor agencies as I was in the process of a spontaneous vivisection from my own wires. It was the most agonizing experience in my entire life! Hee hee!

Eve: What in the hell-

Penny: Next question. And this one is from Father. After noticing you looking at Velvet for long periods of time during your stay here, the Father along with myself are quite curious: On a scale of nine to ten, how gay are you for miss Scarlatina? We also except 11 as an answer as well.

Eve: Alright, what the FU-

Pyrrha: Pardon me.

From across the study, at least the door closest to them, Pyrrha makes her way to the pair.

Penny: Salutations, Pyrrha!

Eve: 'Oh thank God.' Do you need something?

Pyrrha: Have either of you seen Father? Ruby and Velvet are having a shooting contest in the armory, so their pointless to ask.

Penny: I believe He's out near the Grimm ponds. Why?

Pyrrha: Reasons. Anyway, I'll let you two be.

And just like that she takes her leave.

Eve: No, don't leave me alone with her!

Penny: Anywho, back to the gay questions!

Eve: "groan"

[Location: One of the Grimm ponds]

You: "sigh" This can't be happening.

You wave your hand in the air as a black mass forms in front of you. The black mass takes the shape of a Beowolf. As the Grimm raises it's head and sniffs the air, it suddenly snaps it's head towards you.

You: Come on... listen to me.

It begins to growl.

You: I have been your race's Lord ever since I came back. You will steady your wrath.

It takes a stance, ready to pounce.

You: Will do as I say.

It bares it's teeth.

You: YoU wIlL oBeY yOuR gOd!

It finally pounces towards you, claws extended and jaw snapping. The moment it strikes you from the side, a blast of dark energy launches it back, sending it flying right into the middle of one of the many Grimm ponds. It swims to the other side, climbs out, and runs off to the distance as you simply watch it leave.

You:... "sigh" Damn it all.

You turn around and start walking back to the Castle.

For the past two months after Sa-..... after the war started you have been slowly, but inevitably, losing control of the Grimm. One of the few things in this world that you would do anything to preserve, now turning against you......... This scenario all too familiar to you.

You then see Pyrrha making her way towards you.

You: Hello, Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Hello. Is... everything all right?

You: No, Pyrrha, not in the slightest. Your timing's impeccable, though. I need to distract myself before depression desides to take up residence in my metaphorical asshole. What do you need?

Pyrrha walks beside you, two feet shorter than you are. She fidgets her fingers together as her crimson eyes glances up at you every now and then. A faint blush appears on her face. More easier to see on her pale white skin.

You deside not to call her out on it.

Pyrrha: Um. "ahem" I w-was wondering if you-we could... have... a training session. Just the two of us?

You: Hmmmm. Well, practice makes perfect. And there's no such thing as over perfection... Alright, Pyrrha. You got yourself a little da-


You: The fuck?!

Up at the structure, smoke starts to emanate from a new hole in the side of the Castle.

Ruby: "distant shout" Velvet did it!

Velvet: "screeches in denial"

You: Uuurgh, fuck sake....... Actually, let's make it a three way. Besides your Maiden's power, Ruby needs to start working on her silver eye powers as well. S'far as I know, you barely use your new powers and Ruby has only used hers twice on accident. We need to rectify that.

You walk ahead as Pyrrha straggles behind a bit. She looks at you from behind then snaps her gaze up at the smoking hole with a scowl. She finally  catches up to you as you both make your way to the entrance.


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