The survivors of the initial plane crash finally escape the hospital after a week of nonstop attacks from the unknown tree creatures. Within the eastern coast of Mistral, Ozpin and friends make their way south on the shoreline. Avoiding the growing tree beasts now ravaging the kingdom. With the aid of the Mistral government, they make it far enough towards a ship preparing to traverse to Vale. Still a ways to go, unfortunately.
The group walks along what is essentially a beach. Body of water to their right, a wall of forest to their left. Given the situation in Mistral, they all keep their attention towards the trees. In the back of the group, now in much healthier conditions, Jaune and Blake follow close behind. Ozpin/Oscar and Qrow leading up front. All weapons drawn.
Weiss: How much further until we get to this ship?
Ozpin: Just around a bank up ahead, and it should be within view.
Jaune: Sho-wait. Should be?
Qrow: Between a war, sudden attacks from freaky tree freaks, and all sorts of nasty surprises Mistral tends to have already, I'd be amazed if the ship hasn't left yet or been blown up.
Yang: Uncle, have you been drinking?
Qrow: I wish.
The group continues on their way down the beach. Not really much in the way of conversation after that. Why would there be? A war, killer trees, and a missing teammate aren't exactly great conversation starters right now. For them, at least. So they walk on in silence. Finally turning a corner on the beach, the sight of a large vessel can be seen just a ways away.
Along with half a dozen smoke clouds rising up, as well as distant gunfire.
Qrow: Oh hell.
Ozpin: That's our only means of getting back to Vale! Hurry!
Without another word, everyone bolts it to the ship. Ozpin/Oscar lagging a little behind on account of being the shortest. The gunshots become much clear as they get closer. Mistral soldiers can be seen firing upon hordes of those wooden beasts as they swarm from the tree line once the group draws near. The occasional burning vehicle scattered about along with piles of the tree golems, the only things giving off the pillars of smoke. None coming from the ship, thankfully.
A few of the tree beasts spot the group approaching and soon charge at them. Several more notice and quickly follow suit. At the head of the group, Qrow and Yang are the first to attack.
The young blonde winds back her remaining Ember Celica, attached to her remaining real arm, and just sends it right at the poor beast closest to her. Using a red dust shot from her gauntlet, it tears through her target and sets fire to any rushing from behind. As they flail around in the flames, Yang charges at them and starts swinging hay makers at everything in her way.
Tearing through the tree beasts with ease, she jumps over a large group approaching and raises both her fists. Letting gravity do its job, Yang plummets back down and smashes her fists right in the middle of the small horde. A yellow shockwave destroying beasts close into splinters and sending others tumbling over.
Qrow zips past his niece and aims Harbinger at a fast approaching beast. With a pull of a trigger, it's sent back in a plume of broken bark from a shell. He winds back his weapon, transforming into a sword, and starts dashing and slashing away at his foes. Shoulder bashing another out of his way, he swings his weapon back as it shifts to its scythe form. With experience and ease, Qrow starts hacking away at his planty enemies like he's using a glorified gardening tool.
Nora leaps over the alcoholic's head and slams her war hammer down on a group close by. A shockwave of pink and wood sends the beasts flying out in pieces. She swings her hammer around and catches two more coming from the side. With an all too ecstatic smile on her face, she extends her weapon out as far as she can. With a mighty swing, she launches herself at the tree abominations in a whirlwind of death and giggles.

The Children
FanfictionNow this is the story all about how our lives got flipped, turned upside down. And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there, I'll tell you how the four kingdoms of Remnant all fell one by one. The sequel to the surprisingly well received story...