Within South Vale, the inhabitants try their best to cope with the effects of the war and the influx of refugees from up north. With the large number of people coming in, not very many would take notice of a dark skinned and green haired girl along with a grey hair and eyed boy among them. For over a week since arrival, the two have been searching for a one Neopolitan. Last spotted within the area by spies assigned to the region, and local bar patrons. After speaking with a frequent bar jumper, and stealing his wallet in the process, Emerald is able to find the current location of Neo's whereabouts.
Emerald: Thanks for your help, sir!
Alcoholic: Mm-hm.
As he takes his leave, Emerald withdraws the stolen wallet from behind her and starts to dig through it. Walking back to where Mercury is currently looking through the wares in the market square with his back against her.
Emerald: Ok, I've got a location. Some new bar nearby that just opened up recently called Junior's Club or something. If we leave now, we-What are you doing?
She finally notices that Mercury hasn't moved or said anything yet. Usually interrupting her with a smartass quip by now. Just standing in place as she soon spots what looks like a thin string going around his head with a small knot just at the back. Mercury quickly turns around and shows that he is wearing what look like a fake white beard. He soon slouches forward, acting like he has a bad back. He then begins to speak like an elderly man as he looks at her. Immediately, Emerald is not amused.
Mercury: It has been 84 years, and I can still remember when we were assigned to this blasted task. We were standing in a meeting room. The robo ginger and bird girl were talking about hair products or something. And-
Emerald soon grabs the fake beard and pulls it down to Mercury's midsection. The elastic band still connected to his head as he stares at her with a somewhat worried look.
Mercury: Please don't.
Ignoring him, Emerald lets go of the beard. This causes it to quickly fly up and hit Mercury in the face. He launches his hands up and rips the fake beard from his face and tries to deal with the stinging sensation.
Mercury: Ow! Crap!
Emerald: Focus! She's hold up in a local bar.
Mercury: Yeah, I heard you the first time! Jeez, take a joke.
Emerald: Just follow me.
With no further argument, the two walk through the small town. Trying to walk pass the large crowds in the streets. After several minutes of walking, the pair make their way in front of a bar. A florescent sign hanging above the entrance flashing the words Junior's Club. A flier hanging under it saying grand reopening.
Wasting no time, the two enter the bar. As they walk inside, the smell of alcohol and blaring music hit the two like a train.
Soldiering through it all, Emerald and Mercury travel inside. Several patrons are seated at tables at the corners of the large room while more are centered on the dance floor, flailing their limbs around while trying not to hit each other. With the music at full blast, the two had to shout at each other just to communicate.

The Children
FanfictionNow this is the story all about how our lives got flipped, turned upside down. And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there, I'll tell you how the four kingdoms of Remnant all fell one by one. The sequel to the surprisingly well received story...