The Atlas weather, for once since the Banshee's arrival, becomes naturally hellish. With the flying winter nymph pushed back to the frozen hills, the rest of Atlas can now worry about this ongoing war.
Within the streets, dozens of Children APCs barrel through the snow coated roads. Making their final push on the last remaining district still held by the Atlas government, the R&D facilities. Not very many aircrafts taking part in the siege partly due to the mass anount of AA weaponry in their way.
Far out to the edge of the city, the Raptor remains stationed in the air. Safely out of range of the AA guns. Within the bridge, Comnander Joshua looks upon multiple screens in front of him. Viewpoints ranging from the perspectives of ground troopers to cameras mounted on both APCs and droids.
Off to his left, a holographic screen forms as it emanates a familiar blue color.
Joshua: Cypher, once my men make contact with Atlas forces, what exactly is this plan of yours afterwards?
Text begins to immediately form on the screen. The A.I. explaining its plan.
Cypher: 《With the R&D district being the last bastion of control for Atlas, along with you making a final push, they will try to rush their new line of combat droids to fend off your attacks. However, with the current combat matrix not fully updated to integrate with the different models, they will be desperate for a work around.》
Joshua: And that's where you come in.
Cypher: 《Precisely. I will convince them to upload my data to their combat matrix, giving me full control of all droids and facility defence systems.》
Watts: Pardon me, but I'm going to have to object to that idea.
Joshua snaps his head over to a new screen that has just popped up. Revealing the static face of one Arthur Watts.
Joshua: Doctor? How did you-
Watts: I got bored and decided to muck around your systems. I couldn't help but overhear you agreeing to give this A.I. absolute control of everything that has a gun attached?
Joshua: To put it bluntly, yes.
Watts: Well I hope you don't mind me if I put this bluntly also. That's a horrible idea. I have worked on A.I.s before in the past, and most of them seem to sport a sort of slight homicidal tendency towards living people when presented with a GUN!
Cypher: 《Doctor Watts, I can assure you that I am still bound to my main directive of preserving Remnant. As long as you and the Children remain to your directive as well, it would be counterintuitive for me to wish you harm.》
Watts: If you say so, but I'll be keeping an eye on you once I arrive.
Joshua: Speaking of which, doctor, are you sure it's a good idea for you to take part in this siege?
Watts: And miss out on all the secret goodies Atlas will try to purge once we arrive? I think not! Also, I must thank you for assigning me a personal guard who looks like he can actually do his job.
Joshua: Fair enough. Just stick close to the back until we breach the facilities. Cypher, once you have control of the defence systems, signal us and we'll send in air reinforcements.
Watts gives a nod as he disconnects. Cypher shuts off the screen and continues his soon to be former duties in R&D. The commander looks back to the multiple screens of the oncoming battle. If the Children succeed here, Atlas will be the first of the four kingdoms to fall under their control.

The Children
FanfictionNow this is the story all about how our lives got flipped, turned upside down. And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there, I'll tell you how the four kingdoms of Remnant all fell one by one. The sequel to the surprisingly well received story...