I will be putting The Children on hiatus.
Now, I know what you're thinking. "Moodret, y u du dis 2 es¿" Please note it's not because of anything serious like family problems, depression, or lack of ideas for the story. Far from it. The reason for this is because The Children is probably going to be the longest story I've written (so far). There are two other stories that I would like to focus back on to. To mend what is broken and (Y/n)'s Misadventures in the Commonwealth. One story I've been neglecting for far too long and another I'm beginning to neglect. Both of which I believe can be finished much quicker than this story.
Anywho, I will be going back to writing those two. Just for small personal reasons. And once I'm done with those two, I'll come right back here! Fanning the flames of this little war for Remnant!
Moderate Outis
Aka, the Author; A/n
P.s.- If you're from the future and there are chapters after this, then please ignore this whole bit..... Probably should have started off with that.----

The Children
FanfictionNow this is the story all about how our lives got flipped, turned upside down. And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there, I'll tell you how the four kingdoms of Remnant all fell one by one. The sequel to the surprisingly well received story...