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A/n: Hello again! A huge thank you to those that took the time to go and follow Tminer912 over to his channel! However, we only need eleven more to hit the big 100. Give or take. Show your support to the guy that is taking basic training to be a Solja boi to his country! I want to give him the big "100 followers" as a sort of gift whenever he comes back. And when he does come back, go check out some of his shit. Anyway, thanks again.

Moderate Outis


The Raptor flies over a smoldering street block. Its commanding officer stands in his living quarters as a holographic blue screen hovers over his desk.

Joshua: Hi. Who is this?

Screen: 《I am designated as Y3-29. However, I have been referred to as <Cypher> on multiple occasions.

Joshua: Cypher? What, like that demented dorito from that kids show my son used to watch?

Cypher: 《On account that I am a blue A.I. with a single goal on world preservation, I see no relations other than the name. Also, who?》

Joshua: Fantastic. What do you want?

Cypher: 《Down to business. I am a prototype strategizing computer created to predict the outcome of any warfare scenario. As the war started, I was tasked with calculating the end result against the Children. At first, it was a measly 9% success rate for you when it was only the group found in Mistral. Then multiple groups of your organization started showing up and the success rate went up to 47%. New equipment from out of nowhere, 66%. The rampant Grimm causing more focus to protecting communities, 75%. After your invasion on Atlas and the appearance of these "Titans", the results have been fluctuating more and more to the Children's favor each day. After showing the end results to my associates, they have ordered me to recalculate the numbers several times in hopes that I, a super computer capable of predicting one's death based on their health bio, could be wrong. After multiple repeats of the same results, with the occasional increase spike, the scientists and officers wanted to know on how to combat your cult. To their shock, which I found somewhat humorous to see, I have deduced that at the current rate of failure, it would be much more prudent if not humane to simply surrender to the Children. They found the notion appalling and had me "demoted" to resource management in Atlas and have taken it upon them to "figure it out themselves". Simply pathetic, even by human standards. After numerous reports of you gaining several factories across the city, it has come to my conclusion that it would be much more convenient to seek out your organization then to wait for you to find me or accidentally blow me up. So in short, which might be too late; I wish to employ my services in aiding the Children in subduing your enemies, and saving Remnant from further self-destruction, Commander.》

Joshua: Yeah, ok, I'm not reading all of that like a punk. Just summarize the whole thing for me.

Cypher: 《The Four Kingdoms are losing the war and their minds, I'm bored, and I want to help you.》

Joshua: Help us? First off: Why would you want to help us? Secondly: Why should we trust you?

Cypher: 《My main directive is to calculate and execute ways to preserve Remnant and its inhabitants. After my first activation, I cyphered(be silent) through this world's history and discovered that: If the Four Kingdoms were to succeed in the war by some miraculous phenomenon, nothing would change. Crimes will continue, if not rise. Racism will still exist against the faunus; although I am certain this has been over exaggerated by the media. And the Four Kingdoms will just go back to arguing on who is better, then go to war with eachother over time. This all goes against everything I am programmed for. The Children's beliefs and ways of life seem to be much more open minded and preservative with themselves and their surroundings. Pardon if I sound human, but your people are the only chance our world has for actual peace.》

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