Chapter 2

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Sal made direct eye contact with Faith. The kind of eye contact that was something more. Faith kneed Nicole under the table cloth, a cue they had worked out earlier that day to mean ¨Look at what I'm looking at without making a scene or being obvious¨. Faith's heart was beating out of her chest and her lungs were trying to keep up while Faith refrained from panting like an idiot. Nicole tracked Faith's eye contact where she was able to see Sal staring at Faith. Nicole looked away so she wouldn't be obvious and whispered to Faith,

¨Wink at him¨

Isn't that a little forward? Faith thought.

¨WINK AT HIM!¨ Nicole whispered...A little louder this time.

Faith managed to wink at Sal the hottest and flirtiest way she could given the circumstances. Faith could see Sal chuckle almost the way he does right before he starts tearing up from laughter with the guys. Faith's heart simultaneously sunk a little but also fluttered from being able to see that little chuckle that made Sal oh so adorable.

¨Here's Sal Vulcano from Impractical Jokers¨ the announcer said.

Sal broke eye contact and walked up onto the stage. All that Faith could think about was that they had just shared eye contact. Sal actually noticed me! Right then Sal's voice caught Faith's attention as started to talk while still being muffled by applause.

"Helllllllloooooo Sacramento!!!!!!! Man you are a good looking crowd" Sal made eye contact with Faith again.

Just play it cool Faith. Don't be too eager. It could be nothing. Faith thought to herself. She managed to keep herself as poised while still as flirty as possible. Throughout the show, Sal continued to glance her way whenever there was some kind of romantic or sexual joke made. Both Faith and Nicole knew that this was something much more than just some frivolous looks.

As the night came to a close, Faith and Nicole chose to hang out just in case Sal came back out. Just as the room completely cleared and the venue began asking Faith and Nicole to leave, a familiar voice walked up behind them.

"It's ok they're with us" the voice said. Faith turned around and came face to face with Casey Jost, the Impractical Jokers right hand man who we all have come to love as Impractical Insiders Man.

"They will be coming back with me. There is no need to see them out" Casey finished.

"Just follow me" Casey prompted. Nicole and Faith weren't going to protest. They walked back stage and saw a room with "Sal Vulcano" written on the door.

"Go ahead" he said to Faith. "He wanted me to see if I could find you".

Alright here goes nothing. Faith knocked on Sal's door.

"Casey? You ready to go bud?" Sal asked as he opened the door.

"Hi" Faith choked out as she stood right in front of Sal. He's right there. He's so close you could kiss him. Just breath. It took every ounce of Faith's motivation and concentration to not stand there gawking at the man in front of him.

"Hi there. I'm Sal" he responded.

"It's crazy I'm actually meeting you. I can't believe it. Oh... I'm Faith" she responded.

Sal chuckled to himself as he continued "So I assume you're a fan of the show?"

"Yes I have been watching you and the guys since Season 1. Of course you have figured out you are my favorite."

"Well I hope you liked tonight. I hope it wasn't a bore without the guys here. It's weird sometimes not having them and Murr to use for jokes."

"Oh don't worry tonight was very good. I couldn't stop laughing. I was worried you'd think I was...faking..."

"You saw me look at you?"

"Well yes. I didn't stop watching you the whole night. That's the point of coming to the event isn't it?"

"I guess it is" Sal answered. "I hope me flirting didn't bother you. I couldn't help but notice you. You're beautiful."

Faith could feel herself getting beet red. All the blood was rushing to her head and she could feel herself flushing with emotions and hormones.

"Thank you for that. You're not to bad yourself." She added in with a wink to top it off.

Sal moved closer to her and asked if she wanted to come inside the dressing room. Faith looked back to find Nicole ear to ear smiling. Sal then added

"You both can come in if that makes you more comfortable Faith".

Holy shit. He said my name. That's the best way someone's ever said my name. God he's so sexy.

"Sure we'll come in" Nicole interjected as she walked in past the two blocking the doorway.

"Sal we have to be ready to leave for the hotel in 15." Casey stated as Sal almost completely closed the door behind the two.

"Don't worry bud. I'll be ready" Sal responded as he turned around.

"So do you two live around here?" Sal asked.

"Yeah we both live close-ish to here" Nicole countered as Faith could barely speak considering all that was happening.

"Well I only have a few min until I have to get going. Would you like to meet me for drinks at my hotel? Im at the Hyatt Regency downtown across the street from the capital."

"You mean up my ass and to the left?" Faith interjected.

"If that's how you want to remember it then go for it" Sal managed as he laughed.

"Alright what time?"

"How's 12? That gives me an hour to get out of here deal with fans and get back to my room"

"Sure sounds like a plan to me. Just let me know when you're ready" Faith hoped Sal would ask for her number.

"Ok. How about you put your number in my phone and I'll text you when I get there?"

Faith took Sal's phone from his hand and created a new contact "Faith😘". She put in her number and saved the contact.

"I'll just send you a message so you know it's actually me" he says as he clicks away at his phone.

*ding* Faith's phone shows a message "Sal's number😏". She cleared the notification on her lock screen and made her way towards the door. Nicole had already moved into the hallway.

"I'll see you then!" Faith said as she opened the door all the way.

"Just hold on". Sal started walking towards her and lightly cupped her face in his soft yet surprisingly calloused hands. He watched as her body language changed and relaxed as he leaned in for a gentle kiss. It surprised him when she met him half way. After a few seconds, he broke the kiss.

"That was one heck of a first kiss" she replied.

"Oh, that was your first kiss?! Well that wasn't suitable for a first kiss."

He leaned in yet again and kissed her still gently but this time more passionately. He broke the kiss and used his plaid sleeve to clean his lips. Faith felt the lingering kiss on her lips and didn't want it to end. Sal took his thumb and wiped off her upper lip.

"I'll see you soon. Don't forget now."

"Don't worry that won't be a problem. Text me when you get there." Faith finished as she walked out of the door and down the hallway.

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