Chapter 15

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It was that time of the season. And while Faith had the love of her life holding her arm at every wedding the two of them, mainly Sal, got invited to, the thrill of it not being her own was wearing off. Faith knew that there were many other steps that she and Sal needed to take before she would be the one in white, but 8 weddings in one spring and early summer was a lot for anyone.

Faith was in the midst of being back home for several weeks, so she could focus on finalizing her vet school admissions decisions. Something that she was still waiting for was the letter from Cornell, in New York. She hadn't told Sal that she applied there, because she didn't want to get his hopes up. All she had to do was play the waiting game.

Meanwhile, back in Staten Island, Sal was getting nervous. Joe had told Sal that he should book his schedule for the weekend because the four guys were going to go "camping". Sal was honestly terrified, because "camping" felt like a code word for "punishment". The boys all promised that it wasn't, but he didn't trust them on this. He knew who the only person he could talk to he sent them a text.

Hey Love, I need your opinion.

Hey Cutie<3

What's up?

SO...Joe said we're going "camping" and

I don't believe him. Can you sleuth for me?

You want me to find out if your

best friends of more years than I've

been alive are lying to you?


Well I'm not going to ask them, they'll

see right through that.


BUT... I'll see what I can get out of Chá

Maybe Nicole knows something too.

Give me a little bit.

THANK YOU! I really don't want to have to

be naked in front of an animal. Unless

that animal is you...

OH MY GOSH SAL! Keep your

nakedness there!


Nope..not until you've put two rings

on my left hand Mister!

AWWW... what if I wore the flannel?

That flannel is going to look so

good on my husband.'re not budging.


I love you too, babe<3

After about 20 minutes, Faith had her answers.


Yeah Love. I'm on set but

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