Chapter 13

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Christmas and New Years had come and gone with Faith and Sal being separated by long distance. Faith had several veterinary school interviews and Sal had multiple stand up shows. Both of which created the perfect schedule of them not being able to see each other. But Faith was determined to not let that continue.

"Gate C6, now boarding. Non stop flight to Manhattan"

Faith was doing the most daring thing she had ever done. She decided that she was going to surprise Sal at his apartment for Valentines. She had gotten Joe to ship his key to her, and she was going to give Sal the surprise of his life. Faith spent the entire plane flight thinking of what would be the perfect lead up to the surprise she had for him.

Once she had landed, Chá was there to pick her up. Chá was more than happy to help surprise Sal, something all of the Jokers' staff enjoyed. She took Faith all of the places around the city that she needed to go, before she dropped her off at Sal's apartment.

Faith spent the rest of the afternoon decorating Sal's apartment, something she knew he'd end up hating her for, but something she didn't really care about. She knew that the boys would be done distracting him at about 6, which gave her a little less than an hour by the time she was done decorating.

Right as she finished the surprise in the kitchen she heard the keys turn the lock of the front door. She had already dimmed the lights, now all she had to do was wait for him to put two and two together.

'Here's hoping he doesn't think I'm an intruder' Faith thought to herself.

"OH THIS IS GREAT! Good job boys, but I'm not amused. The only person I care about today is on the other side of the country, and this doesn't make it any better!" Sal shouted through the apartment, trying to figure out where the  cameras were.

"Guys, seriously this isn't funny!" Sal got out his phone and mumbled "Ugh, at least I can call her" under his breath. Faith realized what he was doing and silenced her phone before he could hear it. Faith could see the disappointment on his face when she didn't answer, and while it was so cute seeing the concern in his face, it broke her heart. She got to see first hand how much she meant to him, which was something she didn't get to see that often.

Right about the time where Sal started to give up, he turned around to face the living room and Faith snuck up behind him. She bear hugged him from behind and held him tight so he couldn't hurt her in his excitement.

"Guess who." Faith said with her best attempt at a low pitched voice.

"OH MY GOD!" Sal said as he jumped from fear. "Wait, I know these hands! Faith!?"

"Yes! Yes Champ it's me" Faith said letting go so he could turn around.

Sal didn't even say anything, he just pulled her into a hug and went to kiss her. But before he could kiss her, she wiggled out of the hug and ran into the kitchen playing hard to get. Sal knew exactly what she was doing and ran after her. Once he got into the kitchen, he saw her there in the lights for the first time since their Tahoe trip. She had his apron on, and was wearing a business casual outfit that was rather sexy in his oppinion. She had her back to him slightly bent over the oven clearly trying to finish something she had planned.

"Close your eyes Sal" Faith said to him as he was gawking from the entryway.

"But what if I don't want to take my eyes off of you?" He asked.

"Trust me, you'll want to do this" Faith said as he closed his eyes. Faith used the icing on the spoon and placed it on his lips. "Here, try this." She said as he opened his mouth. Faith made sure to be nice and not get him messy at first, but then used the back of the spoon to spread some of the icing onto the outer part of his lips. Before he could open his eyes or try to lick it off himself, Faith leaned in and kissed him making sure to use her tongue to lick off the icing. She had him right where she wanted him as his hands moved up to the small of her back and onto her bra line. After several moments, she broke the kiss, moving the spoon up to clean it off herself. 

"Now just stay there for one more moment, I've got two more surprises for you" Faith told him.

"I don't really need anything else, you're here Love" Sal said, watching her hips sway as she did whatever she was doing with the icing. Sal was more than happy to have her back with him and just wanted to hold her forever.

"I know Dear, just two more surprises." Faith said as she handed him a Red Velvet cupcake and an envelope. Sal started eating the cupcake, shocked at how something could taste that amazing.

"Yes, I've perfected the perfect Red Velvet recipe, with the sole goal of impressing my man" Faith said in response to his facial expressions. "Open the envelope next" She said, now holding on to his arm. Sal opened the envelope and found two tickets to the WWE event in town that had been sold out for months.

"Faith! How did you get these?! They've been sold out for more than two months!"

"Let's just say I was really hoping that I could pull this off, because I bought those before we went to Tahoe. It was hard getting Brian to convince you to not go."

"OH THAT WAS YOU!" Sal was completely in shock from the tickets in front of him. He had always wanted to go to this one, but the Jokers had always managed to be on tour the years before. "My Gosh Love, I can't even begin to thank you for these".

"I know I'm perfect" Faith said flipping her hair off her shoulder dramatically.

"Yes you are, and I'm making you a Vulcano if it kills me" Sal said what he had been thinking since Tahoe. Something that Faith didn't even know was on the table for them in their current life situations.

"We'll, Future Mrs. Vulcano needs you to go up and get ready because those tickets are for tonight in an hour. We have to go soon!"

"And there's the future wife-y coming out"

"You better go Mister!" Faith threatened with the towel twirled ready to snap at him if he didn't move it.

Sal came down a little while later, freshly showered and dressed to impress, as they both got ready to go. On their way out the door, Faith mentioned

"So, did you like the decorations?"

"Oh yes I did, but next Valentine's Day, I'll have a ring on that finger and those decorations will be in the bedroom" He said as he grabbed a third cupcake and held open the door with a smirk on his face.

The remainder of the night was spent arm in arm, sharing the occasional make out session wherever they happened to be. Several times, Sal was noticed by fans, each time he made certain to introduce Faith. Some fans were supportive, and others she could tell wanted to be her. Sal screamed louder than Faith thought humanly possible that night. She was glad he didn't ask her any questions, it wasn't as straightforward as football. She was more than happy to be the supportive girlfriend, making sure to not keep her hands off of him. After it was all over, Sal and Faith walked the several blocks back to his apartment. They talked about their futures and how things were starting to get very real and tough decisions would need to be made. While there were hard things discussed, anyone who saw them could see how in love they were.

Once to his apartment, Sal opened the door, allowing Faith in. Once in the door, Sal pushed her up against it, kissing her forcefully.

"You know that's becoming one of my favorite things you do" Faith said as he let her down from physically thanking her for the night. Sal walked over to the couch and sat down, motioning for her to join him.

"Get over here Love, I need to love on my girl more"

Faith easily obliged, taking a seat and leaning up against the man who had her heart. As they sat there, talking and kissing, Sal made sure to leave his mark on Faith. He didn't know when she was going to have to leave, but he wasn't letting her go any time soon. With the two of them getting sleepy, they bundled up under the covers in front of the fireplace, and dozed off to sleep with memories that would last them forever.

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