Chapter 17

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Sal and Faith walked hand in hand through the backwoods. Sal wasn't fully back to his normal self and Faith made a point to walk slower so that he didn't feel the need to over exert himself. Plus it gave them the added benefit of having a longer date. There was something about Sal that Faith couldn't figure out. He had been weirdly anxious since they had left the house. So she decided to say something about it.

"Hey Champ? You ok? You seem very anxious."

"I'm more than ok Love, you'll see why in just one second" Sal responded.

After a few more minutes of walking hand in hand, they turned a corner and Faith saw the most beautiful gazebo lit up with twinkle lights. Inside was a blanket on the floor with a whole little dinner and champagne set up. There was a blanket set on the side of the gazebo that had a projector shining onto it.

Faith let go of Sal's hand as she took it all in. She walked away from him being careful to not mess anything up and as she turned around she saw Sal bent down on one knee in the middle of the blanket. As she started to figure out what was happening, he pulled a ring box out of his jacket pocket. Faith couldn't believe it was actually happening. She walked over to hold his left hand with her right as he started

"Faith, up until I met you, I was convinced that I was never going to marry someone. I was unsure that anyone even remotely as amazing as you could even like me, let alone fall in love with me. When I had that show in Sacramento, I saw a girl who took my breath away. I know it sounds cheesy, but it took everything in me to get through that night without making a fool of myself."

Faith was trying to hold back the happy tears, but she was soon failing miserably. Sal continued

"I was head over heels infatuated with you and I just knew I had to date the girl who made me feel all these emotions. I know we've had our ups and downs, but if these injuries have taught me anything, it's been that I have to cherish the moments I have. No matter what happens, if we have to do long distance for four more years, so be it. But I want it to be with my wife. I promise to make you my first priority and support you and our future family no matter what it takes. I am so fortunate to have you in my life and I hope I can spend the rest of my life proving my love for you. So...Faith, My Love, I've proposed to you, now will you marry me and be Mrs. Vulcano?"

Sal opened the ring box revealing the most gorgeous and perfect ring Sal could have ever picked.

"Well Mr. Vulcano..." Sal started to get nervous that her first word wasn't a resounding YES.

"YES I'LL MARRY YOU! I love you and I'd love to be Mrs. Vulcano!" Faith responded.

"Oh thank God" Sal exclaimed as he placed the ring on Faith's finger.

"It's perfect Sal! I love it!"

Sal pulled Faith into a tight embrace and kissed her with a passion and urgency that was almost overwhelming.

"I can't wait for you to marry me" Sal mentioned after the kiss.

"I can't wait to marry you!" Faith responded to Sal's adorable confession "I can't wait to be married to your handsome, adorable, sexy self!".

"Oh, so I'm sexy now that I put a ring on your finger aren't I?"

"You, Mister, have always been sexy. Right here in front of me or on TV, either way it's quite the treat for me." Faith wrapped her arms around Sal and closed the distance between them.

"So, besides this wonderful and unexpected surprise, you made us a picnic?"

"Yeah, I figured we could use the time to get away from things and just enjoy each other. I canceled my filming for tomorrow so I don't have to worry about staying out late. I wanted to do something special, just the two of us, that we could remember forever."

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