Chapter 12

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The rest of the getaway went better than that first night. Faith and Sal spent the next two days walking around Lake Tahoe. Faith made sure to get Sal out of his comfort zone, taking him on all the back trails that only locals knew about. At one point Sal managed to get himself off the trail and fell into a deeper snow bank yelling on his way down. Faith initially was concerned for his well being, but that soon changed into a photo opportunity and much laughter from her. Sal saw his opportunity to pelt her with a snowball as revenge for laughing at him. He hit her from the short distance and managed to scare her off her feet which landed her right in front of him.

"I love you even when you take photos of me in my vulnerable state" Sal said as he helped her into a sitting position.

"Well you better always love me, mister" Faith said winking at him as she sat in his embrace. "Let's get out of this cold snow" Faith said before Sal could kiss her. She was still on edge from the first night and couldn't figure out how to get over her fears.

Sal on the other hand was getting more frustrated by the minute as the few opportunities he actually had with Faith were being ruined by her past. He wasn't liking it at all and he could feel his disposition changing. It was only a matter of time.

After the two of them had managed to get out of the snow bank, they started making the long walk back to the hotel. They talked about the show that night and that they had gotten backstage passes for her and Nicole. It was going to be an outdoor venue, one feature that Sal wasn't particularly looking forward to. They talked about the remainder of the day and that the show was at 8.

After they both got cleaned up and ready for the show they had a while before they left for the show. Faith decided to text Sal and see what he was doing, because she was bored out of her mind in her room.

Hey Cutie! 😘What are you doing atm?

I'm currently sitting here in my warm ass 

comforter watching some documentary 

on lizards... SO Nothing haha.

I'm finished getting ready, can I come over? 

Your room is warmer and mines freezing🥶, plus... 

cuddling while watching a lizard documentary

sounds entertaining😍.

This lizard show is weirdly fascinating, 

but not nearly close to you😘🦎. Get 

your cold self over here and cuddle😏😋.

Sal was more than ready to cuddle and all he wanted to do was kiss her all night long so he welcomed any attention. He was sitting on his bed in the room with his blanket wrapped around him as he heard the door open.

"I'm really glad I made the decision to give you a key, because I have a perfect heat bubble going" Sal said as he made eye contact with Faith.

"Well, aren't you the cutest human burrito" Faith said standing in place shivering from the cold.

"You're cold love, get over here" Sal said breaking his heat bubble and letting her into the blanket burrito. Faith snuggled right into Sal's side as he propped up pillows behind her. They sat there cuddling and watching the rather ridiculous lizard documentary until it ended. They had only a few minutes left until they had to leave for the show. But Sal needed to say something because he still hadn't been able to kiss Faith or really initiate any move to be close to her...unless it was her idea.

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