Chapter 18

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 Dani hadn't planned on falling asleep beside Justin, she originally had a lot of chores to do today, but she felt so safe snuggled up to him that she easily fell asleep in his arms. All that had been running through her head before she closed her eyes was what Justin had said, or at least what he had started to say. Was he actually going to tell her he loved her? So maybe it wasn't too early, Dani thought to herself, remembering the thoughts she had when she almost said those same words.

After a couple hours of sleeping, Dani woke up to Justin kissing all over face.

"Wake up, Beautiful", he whined like a child.

"I'm up, I'm up!" Dani giggled.

"Oh did you not like my method of waking you up?" Justin pouted, before his eyes darkened, "Because I have other methods too."

Dani felt the all too familiar sensation of her panties becoming moist, "I loved your method."

"Good, Baby", Justin smiled. He then climbed out of the bed and stood next to it, holding his hand out to help Dani up. "I have somewhere I would like to take you."

"I have things I have to get done", Dani said sadly. It sucked being an adult and having responsibilities.

"Okay, well what if I help you get those things done?" Justin offered.

"It isn't anything fun", Dani giggled, but then she realized he was serious. "Well, I mean I guess we could get them done faster if you help out."

"Exactly!" Justin exclaimed happily, "So what do we have to do?"

Dani adored how excited Justin got over just the mere idea of helping her out today. "I've got to do a couple things around the house, like dishes and laundry."

"Great, I'll do your laundry", he said with an evil grin.

"Ohhhhh no you're not!" Dani exclaimed, shaking her finger in front of his face like a parent would to their child, "I've got laundry covered, you're on dish duty."

Justin groaned.

"Hey, you volunteered!" Dani rolled her eyes while laughing at Justin's boyish behavior.

Justin just winked at her and made his way into the kitchen so that he could start working on the dishes. Dani snickered because the poor guy was going to have to wash every dish by hand, there was no dishwasher in her apartment anymore since it had stopped working last summer and she had thrown it out.

Within the hour, the two of them had both finished their tasks. Dani was surprised Justin had never complained about having to wash the dishes by hand, most people would have. Heck, even Dani did every now and then.

"Anything else?" Justin asked, wrapping his arms around Dani from behind. Dani hadn't seen this overly affectionate side of Justin yet, but she had to admit that she really loved it. She leaned back into him, sighing and letting the tension in her body relax.

"I just need to go to the bank to deposit my check into my account", Dani said quietly while she closed her eyes and just enjoyed being so close to Justin.

"Well, I'm sure we can find an ATM on the way to dinner, after we go visit our first destination", Justin whispered in Dani's ear, sending chills down her body.

Trying to keep her thoughts in line, she whispered back, "Okay." She hadn't realized that it was actually already getting dark outside, being that it was already seven thirty.

"Where are we going?" Dani asked curiously, now realizing she had no idea where the first destination actually was.

"It's a surprise", Justin said with an evil grin. "But you will have to change into something even more sexy than your pjs."

Dani looked down at her pajamas, not seeing any possible way Justin thought she looked sexy in her baggy clothes. "Like a dress?"

"That would be ideal, Baby", Justin smiled, turning Dani around so that she was now facing him so he could kiss her forehead. Dani walked over to her closet, sifting through her clothes to find anything that remotely seemed sexy. If only Shannon was here, she would know what to wear, Dani thought to herself.

Thanks for reading! Sorry it was just a bit of a filler chapter. Please don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

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