Chapter 27

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 Dani gave herself a once over in her full length mirror, making sure to smooth over any wrinkles in her pants-suit. She double checked her hair's hold, she had put it up in a bun and let a few strands out to frame her face. Grabbing her multiple copies of her resume, Dani took a deep breath and made her way out of her apartment, hoping she was ready this time to take on the world. Or, at the very least, a few interviews, which she had three scheduled for today.

The first interview was for another waitressing job, unfortunately the only place that was hiring waitresses at the moment was Hooter's. Dani wasn't sure how comfortable she would be showing off that much of her body on an every day basis. She could imagine the stares and looks she would receive, however if it was something she only had to do to get by until she got a different job then so be it. She pulled into the Hooter's parking lot twenty minutes earlier than her scheduled interview time. Sitting in her car, she repeated to herself the answers she had practiced for the interview questions.

"Tell me about yourself?" The interviewer asked.

"My name is Danielle Myers, I am twenty years old and I live alone in my apartment. In my spare time, I love to read and write. I spend most nights at home, curled up with a good book. I have only ever worked in the food industry, having been a waitress the entire time. I graduated school a few years ago and plan to go to college within the next five years, once I've got a more stable financial situation. I plan to major in English and minor in theater."

"Have you ever worked in an environment like Hooter's?" He asked.

"Um, no not really", Dani answered honestly.

"What do you think you could bring to the team?"

"I'm a very upbeat person, I think I'm very friendly and open with people, which in turn makes people feel like they can be friendly and open with me. I'm a hard worker, I don't quit until the job is done."

"That sounds great. Do you have any questions for me before we continue?"

"Are there variations to the uniform?" Dani asked nervously.

"Pardon me?"

"Am I only able to wear the uniform that shows a lot of skin?" She asked, glancing over at a waitress that was walking by. Her butt was basically hanging out the bottom of her shorts. Dani cringed internally.

"Yes. Is that something you would be comfortable wearing?"

Dani simply nodded her head yes. The man interviewing her gave her a weary look, like he didn't quite believe her. "Well I thank you Miss Myers for coming in today, unfortunately I just don't think you are quite what we are looking for right now. I appreciate your time and wish you the best of luck on your job search."

Dani stood up from her chair, thanking the man for his time and shook his hand. She made her way out of the restaurant and back to her parked car. She just sat there for a minute, feeling disappointed in herself for not getting the job. It wasn't even a job she really wanted, but at this point she needed something, anything. She started her car and made her way to her next interview, once again going over her answers in her head.

The next interview was listed as a receptionist job for a local pharmacy. Dani pulled into the parking lot and immediately noticed that this was not a normal pharmacy, there were green plus signs posted all over the building. She decided to give it a chance, hesitantly heading inside to meet the interviewer.

"How's it hanging? Can I help you?" A young gentleman asked Dani from behind a counter. Dani looked around the room only to find various vases and plants.

"Hi, my name is Danielle Myers. I'm here for the interview."

"Oh right. Jake said there might be a chick coming in today for an interview. " The man got up and walked through a curtain that was located behind the counter, returning with a slightly older man who was currently smoking something that smelled horrible. Dani began coughing uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry, I think I have the wrong place", Dani said in between coughs. She didn't even give them time to reply before she scurried out of the building. Once outside, she took a couple deep breaths, this time just trying to savor the fact that she wasn't inhaling smoke.

The third interview was Dani's last resort, Wendy's. Dani hated the idea of working at a fast food restaurant, but beggars can't be choosers so she began driving to her destination. However, on her way there she passed by the library that Justin had bought 50 Shades of Grey at for her. Dani had always dreamed of working in a library, it was like heaven on Earth for her. She couldn't think of a better place to spend her time, so instead of heading to her interview at Wendy's she oulled into the library parking lot. She grabbed one of her resumes and made her way into the building.

"Hey Helen, how are you?" Dani greeted the librarian as she walked in.

"I'm fantastic. Its great to see you, Dani. Feels like forever since we last saw you", Helen smiled warmly at Dani, making her feel at home.

"I know, I've been really busy lately. I did have a question for you though."

"Oh anything for you, dear", the small elderly woman said.

"I was wondering if you were hiring? I'm really in need of a job and I can do anything you need me to."

"Well, now that I think of it, I could use another librarian. I'm just not as young as I used to be and can't shush people as well as I could in my younger days. It would be full time, is that okay?" Helen asked.

"That would be perfect! Oh thank you so much, Helen!" Dani exclaimed, embracing Helen into a hug.

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