Chapter 12

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"She's a piece of work", Dani quietly mumbled once she saw that Jasmine was out of the building and not coming back.

"She is, but she pays extremely well", Justin said shrugging his shoulders.

"I'm sorry, you really didn't have to do that for me", Dani said now feeling guilty.

"Beautiful, I wanted to. Nobody should ever speak to you in the way that she did, no matter how much money they make." Justin said, putting his fingers under Dani's chin so that she would look up at him. She could look into his eyes all day, they were so soft and gentle, however she could tell there was a side to Justin that wasn't so gentle. She wanted to see more of that side deep down, but she honestly didn't know how much of that she could handle.

Dani smiled up at him, "Well either way, thank you".

"Any time", He looked at her endearingly, "I have to go now, but I'd love to see you soon. Hopefully next time you'll be ready for a little bit more. I'll call you?"

"Okay", Dani all but whispered, feeling her cheeks heat up.

Dani managed to make it through the rest of her day without anymore dramatic scenes or incidents. Daniel had called in sick today so she didn't have to deal with that added stress either. As 7pm rolled around, she couldn't get clocked out fast enough, afraid that if she stayed even a minute longer her good luck would run out.

As she was walking out to the parking lot, Dani dialed Shannon's phone number. "Hey girl! What's cracka' lackin'?" Shannon answered the phone in her normal upbeat tone.

"Nothing much. I was just wondering if you wanted to have a movie night? I think I saw that movie we wanted to see, the one with girl spies, is out on RedBox."

"Sounds good to me! I've got to make a pit stop before I head over, but I'll bringe the candy if you bring the movie!" Shannon said enthusiastically.

"See you then! Love you", Dani replied.

"Love you!" Shannon chirped before she hung up the phone.

Dani made the drive home in about seventeen minutes, faster than usual since there wasn't a whole lot of traffic. She stopped at a gas station down the street from her apartment to pick up the movie, she grabbed some popcorn as well. Pulling into the parking lot of her apartment, she noticed that Shannon's car wasn't here yet, so her pit stop must be taking a little long.

She climbed the three flights of stairs to her apartment, she never used the elevator because it was famous for getting stuck often. Once inside her apartment, Dani decided she might as well shower since Shannon wasn't here yet and she didn't particularily like smelling like various types of foods. She took a quick shower, not washing her hair since she had just washed it this morning. By the time she got out of the shower it was already almost 8pm.

Dani covered herself in her towel and exited the bathroom so that she can head to her bedroom to get dressed. She didn't notice Shannon sitting on the couch as she walked by, so she nearly jumped out of her skin when Shannon spoke. Somehow she managed to trip over her own feet and fell to the ground, her towel abandoning her.

"Jumpy much?" Shannon teased. "Hey wait a minute! YOU SHAVED!" Shannon nearly screeched.

Dani furiously grabbed her towel to cover herself up, blushing even though Shannon has seen her naked once before. "Yeah I did. Also, don't you know better than to sneak up on people in their own homes?"

"I was sitting on your couch, I don't think I'd call that sneaking up on you", Shannon laughed. "Anyways, you aren't changing the subject. Why is your lady area all groomed like its got a dick appointment?"

"I just thought it was time", Dani lied. Dani was the worst liar, she always chewed her lip when she wasn't being truthful.

"Bullshit. I see you chewing that lip." Shannon said, "Are things going that well with 50 Shades Guy?" She raised her eyebrows suggestively.

Dani's cheeks flushed a deep red. "Well, last night was actually really fun."

"Oh girl, you better spill. Don't spare any details".

"Well... Have you ever had a guy... go down there?" Dani couldn't get over how awkward she felt talking about this kind of stuff, even if it was just to Shannon.

"Um yeah, like almost every time before I have sex with them", Shannon replied nonchalantly.

"Oh. I guess I didn't realize a lot of guys would normally do that, Kyle never did."

"What a pussy", Shannon murmured. "Anyways, so he ate you out?"

"Yeah, I guess so" Dani said awkwardly, "I finally got to see what its like to... finish."


"Wow, I can't believe I've been missing out on that my whole life. Plus, Justin really knows what he's doing down there, or at least it seemed like it to me, but what would I know", Dani said sheepishly.

"I've tried telling you!" Shannon exclaimed.

"I'm surprised you haven't already blown my ears out with your recent rendezvous story", Dani said teasingly.

"Well, that pit stop? Sorta turned into a pit stop with like four mini pit stops. You remember that guy I met at the club?"

"Instagram Model one?" Dani questioned, thinking back to the way Shannon had described him before.

"Yeah that one, his name is actually Aaron though. Well he texted me for a booty call and boy can that boy go round after round. I think I might actually be sore", Shannon said reflectively.

"You slept with someone more than once? That's not like you."

"I know but the pond has been pretty empty lately anyways, I figured might as well get what I can. You know how cranky I am when I go through a dry spell", Shannon replied. She wasn't kidding, one time she literally tried to fight a goose at the park because she hadn't had sex in a week and it looked at her the wrong way. "Besides, it won't happen again".

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