Chapter 21

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Justin and Dani traveled back to Dani's apartment, holding hands the entire time and sneaking glances at each other like a couple of teenagers experiencing puppy love. Dani wondered if it would be weird if she invited Justin to sleep over since they had only technically been dating for less than 24 hours. Although, she had already slept with him twice so would it really be too early?

Justin's phone started ringing as they were driving, he grabbed his phone and looked at the screen, most likely to see who was calling him. He set the phone back down and ignored the phone call. He turned the knob on the radio to raise the volume, Dani noticed that his demeanor had changed. Justin now looked very tense, and only a few minutes ago he was wearing a big smile and had looked as relaxed as ever. Dani frowned.

Justin pulled into the parking lot of Dani's apartment, parking next to Dani's car. He quickly scrambled out of the car and ran around to open the door for Dani. Dani smiled and thanked him, but it almost seemed like he didn't notice, even though he was looking right at her. Dani was worried that something horrible had happened, but it hurt to know that if something had went wrong that Justin apparently wasn't going to tell her. Justin's phone rang again, and this time he audibily groaned before he even looked at the screen. He silenced his phone and put it back in his pocket, walking with Dani up the stairs that would lead to her apartment.

"Is everything okay?" Dani asked hesitantly.

"I hope so", Justin said, "I'll tell you about it tomorrow, okay? I don't want to ruin this amazing day with something that might not even be a big deal."

As they reached Dani's door, Justin smiled. Dani noticed, however, that his smile looked forced. She decided she would just let it go, if it is something important he would probably just tell her tomorrow like he said he would.

"Thank you for everything today", Dani said shuffling her feet.

"Hey", Justin started. He placed his finger under her chin so that she would look him in the eyes. "The pleasure was all mine, Beautiful."

Dani blushed, liking that her Justin was back. She kissed him gently, and she relaxed when he kissed her back and embraced her.

"Good night, Baby." He kissed her forehead. Dani lingered by the door as he walked away, watching him go. Her heart felt slightly heavy at the thought that he wasn't okay. She finally made her way inside after a few moments.

It was late and Dani was ready to get to sleep. She went through her usual night routine, brushing her teeth, throwing on her pajamas, and tucking herself under the blankets. She wanted to read at least one chapter of a book, reaching for The Fault In Our Stars, since it was the closest. Her eyes began to get heavy before she could even reach the end of the chapter. Deciding that she would finish it tomorrow, she set the book aside and fell asleep.

The next morning, Dani woke up and immediately checked her phone first thing. She was disappointed when she saw that she had no notifications from Justin, she thought he might have had some news about whatever was going on last night. Dani sent him a message, "Good morning :)". She did see that she had one message from Shannon, though. "I'm coming over at eleven, if 50 Shades is there please make sure he's wearing clothes lol."

Dani glanced at the time, there were ten minutes until it was eleven o'clock. She got up and changed into casual clothes, jeans and a loose fitted t-shirt. Walking out into the kitchen, Dani heard a knock on her door. "Come in!"

Shannon walked through the door with the biggest smile, practically skipping through the apartment.

"What's up with you?" Dani questioned curiously.

"Nothing, just had some bomb dick this morning", Shannon said smugly.

Dani blushed, like usual.

"Really? Even when you're getting some you're a prude?" Shannon teased.

"Oh shut up. So anyways, what was so bomb about it?" Dani rolled her eyes.

"So something I haven't gotten to ever experience was sleeping with someone more than once, right? One thing I never realized is that the more times you sleep with someone, the better you know each other's bodies. Aaron and I have slept together at least a handful of times and it just keeps getting better and better, he made me cum fifteen times earlier", Shannon said, falling back against Dani's couch and sighing dramatically. "Maybe this is why people get married."

Dani was amazed that it was even possible to orgasm that many times, she was exhausted after the time Justin had made her finish four times, the same time she had accused him of being gay.

"So does this mean you two are official now?" Dani smiled.

"We are", Shannon said shyly, covering her face with her hands which was uncharacteristic for her.

"I'm so happy for you!" Dani exclaimed, throwing her arms around Shannon.

"Don't act like I just told you I'm getting married", Shannon laughed nervously, smacking Dani playfully. "We're just dating, that's all."

"I know, I was just afraid that you were never going to give anyone a chance", Dani said sympathetically, hugging Shannon even tighter.

"Okay this isn't a soap opera, no need for the emotional conversation again", Shannon laughed again. "What about you?"

"What do you mean?" Dani asked, confused.

"Well, I sure didn't walk in on you by yourself yesterday,so spill!"

"Oh, that", Dani flushed a deep red.

"Don't 'Oh, that' me!" Shannon said sarcastically, "SPILL!"

"We made it official yesterday, too", Dani smiled looking down at her hands.

"At least we can count on each other not to forget our anniversary dates", Shannon teased.

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