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She stood on the edge of the crowd, her hood shadowing her childlike face. Her waist length hair hung outside of her clothing, her height smaller than average, making her seem a couple of years younger than she was. But some would just assume she had a youthful appearance. The slightly tinted glasses hid who she really was.

If they caught her, she would be dead. But, she doubted they would, as she stood next to the forests, ready to escape in case anything happened. In her world, you could never be certain of anything.

She was here, sent by the Queen, to watch their enemies. Trying to see if what some would call an 'abomination' had been created. They had said it was impossible. But, as she, the possessor of an unchallenged Celestial affinity, couldn't see it, surely something was wrong.

But for the sake of the sake of the child, she dearly hoped that it was all just a coincidence.

As she watched, she soon noticed their leader. The Alpha. She knew not to communicate this sight to her Queen, as although she was here to represent her, it was dangerous to broadcast it.

It wouldn't do any good if this information got in the wrong hands.

She glanced side to side, still waiting for one of them to pick up her scent. They didn't, or if they did, they took no notice. She supposed that this day was too important to pay attention to such trivial matters.

The Alpha began to walk up onto a podium. A woman went and joined him, holding a bundle of clothing. Her. The Luna of their pack would be thrown out if any knew of what her real identity was.

Although, she doubted the woman really knew of it, herself.

If the woman didn't take on an Affinity, surely the child wouldn't. The sight had shown her that the girl would be able to shift. Her own kind had hoped for a male child, but it hadn't gone that way.

The Alpha and his 'mate' stood on the stage, and he slowly unwrapped the bundle in her arms.

As soon as she could see the girl's eyes, she already knew that nothing would go as any of them had hoped.

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