Part 5

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Whole way back home khushi could hear her loud heartbeats and only his face was floating in her eyes. His touches..., his kisses... and those sweet words.

The way he confessed his love for her was not something she could digest, she never thought that someone can love her to this extent. She never had too many dreams in her life as from childhood she was taught basic values and cultures a girl should follow, seeing her mother being a perfect housewife and later her sister getting married and following the same tradition has always made her feel that someday she too will live the same future.

The only thing she dream of was to get well educated, books were always her friends, she never had too many friends since her parents have always kept her in a closed atmosphere unexposed to the outer world and fun around. Hence when she joined college she started seeing a different world, but then she has always studied in a girls school and girls college.. never having any guy friends to talk.

When she joined the current college in delhi her whole outlook had changed, she was feeling happy and pleasant for the first time, specially after meeting friends like Lavnaya, NK, Aakash and not to forget Arnav, she had started to enjoy her life.

But she didn't knew that this all was a dream and the reality is that she had to get married and go away from all these one day.

Only she knew how her parents were not happy about she joining a mixed college, only after rohans insistence and that he will take the responsibility they had agreed to it... and she will be thankful to him for whole life.

Being with Arnav has always made her happy she never knew why but he made her smile always.

Her mother was not ready to send her to the diwali party, but when she explained that it is a festive party and there will be nothing wrong she had agreed to it, but never did she think that... going to the party will change her life.

A soft corner she had for Arnav in her heart grew into something else on the party day, the way he was looking at her had given her goose bumps all over and then that kiss had changed everything. She cant deny that she had lost her selves that day and given to him, she didn't know back then that she too loved him, but today when he confessed... when he said those three magical words all her feelings her dreams came into reality. He loves her somebody loves her... that to like mad was making her restless. How will she go away from him??? how can she neglect his love for her??

She just cant... but she has to she is not meant for love, she is meant for an arranged marriage which is fixed and now nothing can be changed.


The whole room was dark, the poolside curtains were flying bringing a slight flicker of light in the room. Heads bent down, knees crossed and complete silence... that is how ratna found her son in his room. She was confused what happened, normally when he is back from college there is a huge ruckus in the house, screaming HP where is this... where is that and all. But today she saw a quiet arnav in complete darkness.

She entered the room and switched on the lights...' choteyyy ...'' he opened his eyes which was red and looked towards his mother. She was shocked...

She has always seen a rude and arrogant ASR, a loud Arnav and an over enthusiastic son, but today for the first time she saw a shattered and sad Arnav.

She came to know from Anjali that he is upset about a girl named khushi, but whats the real matter.. she was not aware of... and hence thought of talking to him. Moreover she is a friend to her children than a mother.

She sat down on the bed beside him and he automatically kept his head on her lap. She started running her fingers in his hair. What happened choteyyy... whats the matter with you??''

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