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ry ❤️: hi brendon

bread 🍞: holy shit you texted me first

ry ❤️: is that weird..??

bread 🍞: well I mean when you start off as the person who texts someone and that person thinks you're just looking for a fuck it's pretty odd

bread 🍞: i mean you never really had to respond in the first place

ry ❤️: i dunno

ry ❤️ : i think it was your username that tempted me to reply

bread 🍞 :  and pete said no one as cute as you would respond with a username like mine


bread 🍞: haha i guess my six year-old mind did the trick

ry ❤️: yeah lol

bread 🍞: i like you ryan

bread 🍞 is typing...

bread 🍞: ya know as a friend

bread 🍞: you're a good person

ry ❤️: i don't have many friends..

bread 🍞: well could i be one of the lucky few?

ry ❤️ : sure brenny

bread 🍞: brenny?

ry ❤️: ah shit sorry

bread 🍞 : no no it's fine   

brenny 💙 : i kinda like it :)

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