June 15, 2016

11 2 0


12:34 P.M

Wembley Stadium

London, England

Again, 12 in the morning (technically the afternoon), not midnight.

I'm excited to be here in London today. And the next three days. So since we're here so long, we have a hotel. Which means we can go out and explore around the hotel, and I can take a ton of pictures of London.

This morning, when we got here, Will slammed his backpack on the ground and pulled out a soccer ball. We played a game with some of the crew, which woke us up more and definitely warmed us up.

It's pretty cold here right now. It's early in the morning, there's still dew on the turf and settled on the seats in the stands, and it's real cloudy out. It looks pretty boring here, but that's what makes it cool, I suppose. Other than the cold.

I'm a very tropical person and can't stand the cold. I'd rather it be 80-degrees outside all the time than it be cold. I don't like any temperature under 75. That's cold to me. I almost always have a hoodie or jacket with me. Right now, I have on a Johnny Cash hoodie that I've had for awhile now. It's pretty boring colorwise (It's a simple grey with black faded letters and lines), but I like Johnny Cash. So I bought his hoodie.

Chris and Guy liked it when they saw it.

Our game of soccer was actually pretty intense this morning. Phil took the crew's side and almost took Chris's head off with a crazy kick towards the goal (the stadium was nice enough to leave one goal out and make us come up with another) and then got mad at Guy for hitting him in the knee.

I don't blame him--that hurts. But to be fair to Guy, the bassist didn't kick the ball that hard. At least he didn't almost take Phil's head off.

So that was this morning, at around eight or so. It's 12:40 now. Not much is going on, other than the setup of soundcheck behind me. Will is making up beats on his drum set to test the sound. I'm waiting for somebody to ask me to move. Nobody has yet, but I'm sure it's coming pretty soon.

I think I'll leave this here right now and go take pictures for today.

3:12 P.M

So apparently soundcheck took a little over two hours to set up? Something was wrong with an amp, and then the drum set broke, and so did a string on a bass guitar. It was a mess.

Everything's sorted out now. Amp replaced. Drum set fixed. String fixed.

The string was an odd case, because nobody had even looked at the guitar since it had been put out on the stage, let alone touch it. It was lucky to have been noticed in time, otherwise​ Guy would have a broken guitar for Viva La Vida, and that's no good.

While soundcheck was being set up, I took lots of pictures, and then went outside the stadium to take more pictures. When I came back a half hour later, soundcheck was still being set up, so I went backstage to hunt for Roadie.

He was busy with the band's earpieces and walkie-talkies, so I left him alone and went to find Rylan and Quince. Rylan was in the dressing room with the band, and Quince I couldn't find.

"Where's Quince?" I asked them.

"I thought he went out on the field," Rylan said, looking up from her laptop.

"I was just out there."

"Maybe he's in the stands, instead of on the field."

"Well, the stadium's too big to go up and down looking for him, but he also can't be lost for too long, because I know he doesn't have his pass on, so security is gonna get him sooner or later."

I kept telling him to leave his pass on, but he never listens to anybody about that. He always assumes the security is the same for every stadium but it's not, so the guards don't know he's supposed to be lost in the stands.

"I'll go look for him," Chris offered, "I can get my steps in today. Then Dan won't be mad about the other day." He got up and stretched his arms out. "C'mon, Will, want a race?"

They've had many races as a part of their fitness. It's pretty funny to watch. When Chris raced Jonny the other day, in Scotland, he tripped on a step and almost fell, but his hand shot out to keep him from falling all the way down.

Instead of taking pictures, I took a video of them racing up to the top. It was a long way up. And it was a long down. And an even longer way around.

There were people walking about, fixing chairs, setting up screens and tarps, blocking off certain sections. It was impossible to tell which was Quince because everybody (minus Will and Chris) wore a black poncho to avoid getting soaked by the drizzle of rain that had just started two minutes prior to the ongoing race.

Right now, it's still raining, slightly harder than before. Many of the crew out on the field ran to take cover on the stage, under the overhang, or stand in the stadium entrances. I'm sitting next to the drumset, with Rylan to the right, by the piano. Quince still hasn't been found.

Or he has and just hasn't come back yet. I wish I have a way to contact Chris or Will right now.

We need radios. All of the crew and the band wear radios around before, during, and after the show, in case there's an emergency or whoever it is you're wanting to talk to is too far to shout to. But we don't have any, so we can't contact somebody when we need to, though we are always around at least two crew members at all times. That's how many there are.

I think I'll stop and pick up during the show. Hopefully Quince will be back...

10:24 P.M


So I've put the event below the time now. I don't know why that came to mind, it just did.

Anyway, it is showtime. I'm inside the barricade, below the A-stage. I'm sure the people behind me are thinking, "How can this girl sit there and write instead of watching the show?" Well, I've seen so many now, I know which song comes next, I know when they race to the C-stage, and I know when they take their short intermission. I actually have a setlist for tonight in my notebook. One of the crew didn't need or want it, so I took it.

The setlist is almost the same for each night, and each show always begins with A Head Full of Dreams, and ends with Up & Up. Of course, I don't always know which social media song suggestion they'll pick, but that's usually Us Against The World or Don't Panic. People request Don't Panic so much, Phil's trying to get the band to just incorporate it into the setlist for the rest of the tour. He can't get Jonny to budge yet.

We've taken Phil's side and try to get them to agree. I think we almost got Jonny earlier. He almost budged. Almost. I think tomorrow he'll at least say he'll think about it.

As for the contest, I've taken so many pictures tonight we won't be able to look through all of them. I'm not sure how many Roadie's taken. I hope he's remembered.

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