June 28, 2016

21 4 0

[Doesn't Guy look sort of look like Bob Ross in this photo?]

9:48 A.M

Sentebale Concert

London, England

The minute I fell asleep on the plane last night, we were about to land. I never saw the lights of the runways and the towers, so I assumed we'd still be flying for a bit. But no, we landed when I fell asleep. So I was woken right after by Chris and Phil so we could get off.

The good news is that I got to sleep a few minutes after, because the hotel was fairly close and there was no hassle getting to our rooms. Everybody there was asleep, so we didn't get swarmed like we usually do. The other good news is that luckily Guy wasn't an angry bear when Phil woke him up. I honestly think he wasn't even really awake when he exited--he forgot to grab his bag, so Will got it for him, and he stumbled around like he was drunk on the way to the vans. I felt bad, because nobody was really paying any attention to him, and I didn't want him to fall or run into anything.

So, being the good Samaritan I am, I walked closer to him, making sure he didn't fall or run into anything. At one point, I remember I grabbed the sleeve of his jacket and pulled him back onto the sidewalk. He still didn't really wake up.

That man could probably sleep through a hurricane, let me tell you.

Right now, we're still in the hotel, but not in our rooms. Quince and Rylan came and got me a while ago, and now we're all eating breakfast down by the lobby. Quince said that Chris would show up eventually, but that was at least fifteen minutes ago. He's probably trying to convince Jonny to come, too.

I don't understand how Chris can be jumping around, singing his heart out, jumping into the crowd, and doing all this other crazy stuff and be a fairly good morning person. When we jump certain timezones he'll refuse to wake up sometimes, but most of the time, he's up before the rest of us. I suppose it could be because of his insomnia.

But while he's up and ready to go, the rest of us are basically the walking dead (another thing I miss watching) every morning. Sometimes, when we're in a place I'm really excited to be in, I'm up more willingly, but that doesn't mean I'm not tired still. So even then I'm still in a grumpy mood.

I'm having some awesome maple pancakes for breakfast with scrambled eggs (salt and peppered) and some strips of Canadian bacon. It's pretty much the same thing I'd get from Bob Evans back home, except their pancakes aren't maple, that I know of anyway. And to go with all of it, I have lemonade, of course. It's homemade, really good, no pulp, not a whole lot of sugar.

Quince had waffles with sausage and no eggs, with "warm" chocolate.

Rylan is still eating her regular, boring pancakes, void of syrup. She does have some whipped cream on them though, so they aren't that boring. She also has bacon, but its maple bacon. I've never tried maple bacon. Maybe I'll ask her for a piece.

Hey, there's Chris. And Jonny. Heh, I was right!

"Glad you could join us," Quince says to them.

"Well, I tried to come sooner," Chris said, "but J wouldn't wake up."

"I usually don't wake up for people who beat me with a pillow," Jonny growled, rubbing one eye.

That just made me laugh. It sounds like something Rylan would do to me and Quince, and vice-versa.

"Oh no," Rylan sighed to Jonny. "You didn't tackle him like last time, did you?"

Oh right! I forgot about that: When we were in Wembley the second day, lounging in one half of the dressing room, Jonny was asleep on one of the couches. We all tried to avoid him until we absolutely had to wake him, but Chris decided to take Guy's pillow and throw it at Jonny's face. He immediately woke up, shot off the couch, and literally tackled Chris to the floor. Everybody where we were began laughing uncontrollably, and everybody else in the other half came over to see what happened.

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