Okay... So Now Im A Dancer For One Direction?

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Chapter Ten:Okay So Now I'm A Dancer For One Direction?:


"Sendra! Sendra!" Louis shouts in my ear.

"Uhh Lou what's wrong!"

"We need your help!"

"Who's help? And why?"

"Just get ready and meet me in the kitchen! And hurry!"

Time to get up I guess.

I finish getting ready in a breeze.

"Lou what do you want?" I mumble walking into the kitchen.

I turn. "Lou?"

"Sendra?" A voice mumbles.

I turn to face the voice.

Its Zayn. Should've known.

I frown slowly.

"What do you need Zayn?" I ask trying to not sound rude.



"I'm Sorry..." He mumbles.

I smirk.

"Oh Zaynie... I don't know what your talking about. Care to refresh me?"

He sighs. "I'm sorry for being a jerk about you and Harry being friends."

"Why?" I ask

"Because. Just because Harry was an asshole. I should've respected your decision about being friends with him...."


"Because its not my place."


"Im sorry and I shouldn't stop you from being friends with anyone. it wasn't right. When you left I went to sleep and thought about it and realized how wrong I was."


"So do you forgive me?"

I sigh.

Well he did apologize and he felt bad. I think I should take my advice and forgive and forget. Yes but this time revenge is due. I smirk. but suddenly cover it.

I walk up to Zayn. I act as if I'm going to hug him and he opens his arms. I Dodge and mess up his hair instead.

No whining this time

No whining?

"Why aren't you whining?" I ask.

he shrugs. "Cause I deserved it. I'm actually surprised you didn't do worse."

I laugh.

"Oh Zayn. Why would I do something? Isn't it my motto to forgive and forget?"

He nods. "I guess your right."

I walk over and hug him.

"God Zayn. " I mess up his hair. "I already know Harry's an asshole but I'm not a little kid anymore I can take care of myself. And......I forgive you."

"Great! Now Come on!" Zayn says grabbing my hand and dragging me somewhere.

"Zayn! Where are we going?" I would demand him to stop using my strong muscles but I just barely woke up.

Im One Directions Body Guard?  [A1DFanfic]Where stories live. Discover now