Shes Mine and Im Glad

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Shes finally mine.... Even though we haven't been together for long, I've always knew that I loved her.


The girl that makes me weak in the knees. The girl that controls my heart.

We haven't been on tour for long, probably for half of the tour. So three months.

Three months that we've been together, that she stole my heart.

"Stop day dreaming about Sendra Harry!" Louis shouts.

I snap my head towards him and glare. "So....."

"Aww he's not gonna even try to Deny it." Niall shouts.

I shrug. "What's the point of denying it? Its true...." I mumble blushing.

"When are the girls coming back?' Niall groans. " Sendra said that they were going to bring me Nandos.'

'They did?" Liam asks

Niall nods his head. "Ugh Harry call your girlfriend."

I roll my eyes and pull out my phone dialling Sendra.

She picks up after a few rings. "Hello? "

"Hello love, I know you're probably busy, but Niall's complaining about his Nandos...." I say glancing at Niall.

"What can I say? " Niall shouts letting Sendra Hear him. "I LOVE NANDOS!"

Sendra giggles. "Tell Niall his foods on the way. I'm just chilling while we head home."

I smile. "Where you at now?"

Suddenly the phones cut off.

"Sendra? Sendra?" I shout in the phone slightly panicking.

I hear Sendras voice again. "Turn around styles!"

I glance at my phone confused. Suddenly theres hands covering my eyes.

"Hello babe...." Sendra whispers in my ears.

I turn and face her, 'Hello love," I Peck her on her soft lips.

"Don't mean to interrupted your kiss which should be considered as a make out session, but lets eat." Niall yells slightly annoyed.

Sendra pulls away. "Come styles. Don't wanna make the hungry leprechaun angry."

She starts walking away, but I spin her around giving her one last kiss.

She pulls away and softly says "I love you"

"I love you" I whisper against her lips.

"Come on love birds!" Niall screams.

We share a knowing glance and head to the kitchen with our hands tangled together.

Sitting down we enjoyed our meal happily.

Niall's hunger, the other couples. Bit Zayn had us all laughing with Zirror. Let's say there was things we didn't really need to see.

But me and Sendra, We were the perfect couple. We had our differences, we rarely had arguments but they were still there, we weren't the same so our relationship wasn't boring. We were just the greatest couple.

Everything was going great. We loved each other but then when we least expected it, She got tooken away from me. Thats when I realized that she means so much more to me than I thought. She already meant a lot to me before. But that's when I realized that I'd die for her. To think it was All because of a crazy fan. We were only together for two months. Some fan didn't support Sarry. Not at all.......


Can anyone guess what's going to happen?

Sorry for the long wait, I have an idea on how this stories going.

Anyways. I would love some feedback. A vote. or comment would be great! I would lve to knoe what u all think.

Thanks for reading and leave a comment( :

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