Na Na Na

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Its been a couple of days since the concert where me and Harry kissed. I can't help but wonder what would've happened we weren't interrupted by Eleanor.

"Sendra!" Dani shouts.

"Yeah?" I reply with curiosity.

"Come one. We have to go to dance rehearsal."

I jump up. Yeah buddies. I love my dancing with the girls.

I hurry up and we walk to the arena so that we can practice the dance.

"Ahhh its One Directions' girlfriends!" We hear.

I turn towards the girls as the screaming one direction fans reach us. There's probably about 6 girls to be the most.

"Can we take pictures with you guys?" They ask.

They look the most 15.

Ele and Dani smile. Dani speaks up. "Of course."

I watch them take pictures.

I stand off to the side checking my twitter.

"Can I take a picture with you Sendra?" One of the girls asks me.

I jump. "Why would you like a picture with me?" I ask confused.

She smiles "Because one day your going to be dating Harry styles."

I blush. "W-Why do you say that? "

"I think so. I'm shipping Sarry." She exclaims.

I smile. "Uhm Sure. Lets take this picture shall we?"

She smiles. "Yes please."

We pose taking a bunch of photos. Some normal and some crazy.

"Do you have a twitter?" I ask.

She nods.

I hand her my phone while its still on twitter.

"Can you find yourself and follow yourself for me?" I ask.

She beams. "Yes"

I laugh.

"Why don't you tweet me those pictures. I liked taking them with you. There were some that I really liked." I tell her.

"You sure?"

"How couldn't I?"

She hugs me. "My friends will get jealous that I got to take a bunch of pictures with you."

"Hey what's your name?" I ask


I glance at the girls and they're almost done.

"Well Rebecca. It was great meeting you but I have to go and get to dance rehearsals with the lads and girls. Check your twitter later. You might have 5 new followers." I wink at her.

"Thank you and have fun!" She replies giving me a hug.

She turns to leave. "I ship Sarry!" She yells heading off.

I smile. That girl was cool.

I felt my phone buzz and its the girl Rebecca.


Took a bunch of pics with @Sendry_Smiles (Hdjd-Hastag thing for pics )


I smile and tweet back.

Im One Directions Body Guard?  [A1DFanfic]Where stories live. Discover now