Chapter 7 - Listening to their conversation

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After going on the Ferris Wheel Nash and I played a couple more games when I saw Matt, and he was staring at Nash and I.

Nash grabbed my face and started kissing me, I kissed back of course. Then all of a sudden I hear Nash getting pushed to the ground, and I see it was by Matt.

"Nash you did that on fucking purpose!" Matt screamed. He almost punched Nash in the face but before he could Cameron and Carter rush out if nowhere and pull Matt off of Nash.

I hugged Nash and asked him, "Are you ok?" "I'm fine" he replied. "Matt what was that about!" I screamed. He looked at me and sighed. I turned away from him and Nash and I decided to go home.

We walked back to the car, when all of a sudden I felt like I was about to throw up. "Nash!" I said stopping. "Are you okay" he ran up to me totally worried, he could tell I wasn't.

"I think I'm going to vomit" I said bringing my hands up to my mouth so I wouldn't. I ran to the closest bathroom I could find and ran into one of the stalls, and just started throwing up.

Nash ran into the bathroom and I could see that he got a couple of glares from the girls, because he was in the girls bathroom. Nash sat there next to me holding my hair up for me.

After I was done, I just sat there leaning against the wall. Nash helped me walk back to the car he asked if I wanted him to carry me but I declined and told him "I'm fine". We got back to the car and I just sat in the front trying not to vomit again.

Nash brought me back to our house. He wanted to stay with me but I told him he should go home because it was probably going to get worse. Kian and I sat in the bathroom talking and once in a while I would throw up. He was a good friend.

Once I knew I was for surely done I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and put on a really big shirt that when done to my knees. After that I went strait to bed, but it took me a while to fall asleep, because my stomach still was in pain.

~2 days later~

Cameron's POV

Matt and I were going to the O2L house to hang out with Kian, and also to check on Melanie because we heard she was still feeling sick.

We arrived at the house went upstairs to Melanie's room and talked to her for a while before she said she was going to take a nap. She actually did seem really sick.

We went back downstairs to hang with Kian. He was sitting on the couch watching tv. We all sat down and went on our phones, typical us. Everyone knew that Matt liked Melanie, besides Melanie. Out of nowhere Matt says to Kian, "I'm surprised you haven't ever actually had feelings for Melanie. I mean she is so perfect".

"Well-" Kian says then pauses. "You did!" I lightly screamed. Kian sighed and went on "I did. But Melanie liked Sam, and Sam liked her back. Yet they never found out they liked each other". "Sam liked Melanie? Hmm, I guess she can be liked by everyone" I said. They both laughed.

Melanie's POV

I walked downstairs to get some water, but stopped when I heard Cameron, Matt, and Kian talking about me. "I'm surprised you haven't ever actually had feelings for Melanie. I mean she is so perfect" I heard Matt say. "Well-" Kian paused. "You did!" Cameron screamed.

"I did. But Melanie liked Sam, and Sam liked her back. Yet they never found out they liked each other" Kian said. I was in shock with everything they said. I tried to run back upstairs.

So Matt thinks I'm perfect, is that why he tries to give Nash a black eye on our date? I don't know, maybe he didn't like me and he mean't it in a different way. I really have no clue.

Kian used to like me, my very best friend that I love so much and has helped me through so much actually had a crush on me. This didn't seem for real. Kian would be the last person on earth I would think to ever even like me. I never knew or even thought that he would ever like me. I might have thought about liking him but probably shook those thoughts out if my head pretty fast, because I only though and still thinks of Kian as a best friend. He is with Andrea now, and their cute.

Sam used to like me. I had a HUGE crush on Sam. I always acted weird around him and embarrassed myself, and stuff normal people do in front of their crush. I stopped liking him when I started getting feelings for Nash and knowing he liked me back was great. But I didn't know Sam liked me back.

I was thinking what if I never met Nash and I found out Sam liked me earlier, would we be dating. I was just thinking about everything, and was thinking everything over.

My imagines were snapped back into reality when I found Kian hovering over me repeating my name.

"Yeah?" I asked. "Are you feeling better?" Kian asked. "Because Matt, Cam, Sam, Trevor, and I are all going to lunch. And I don't want you to be alone since Ricky and Jc aren't home" Kian added. "Yeah I'm feeling better, I'll go. Just let me change first" I said.

"Ok" he said and ran back downstairs. I took a shower because I stunk, I haven't took one since I got back from my date with Nash, because I didn't have to energy to get out of bed.

I got out blow dried, straightened my hair, and also put it in a high pony tail. I skipped to my closet and picked out a white t-Shirt that spelled out 'I am a t-shirt and nothing more.' With black all capped letters, black leggings, with red a checkered flannel tied around my waist.

I went back to my bathroom and only put mascara on, with of course chap stick. With that I put on white converse with black lace on. I skipped downstairs, and felt more refreshed and much better.

We all left the house and walked down the back alleys, because the place we were going to eat at wasn't far. I didn't talk much but when I did it was mostly with Trevor. For some reason I felt real awkward around everyone, but I knew why. Kian's conversation with Matt and Cam.

The ones I didn't feel awkward around was mostly Trevor but also Cameron. We got there ordered our food ate and started walking back, nothing much happened.

Trevor and I were walking ahead talking about his music and stuff, and the rest of the guys were in the back talking about what not. "THERES A LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!" I girl screamed. I turned my head towards who screamed. It was a teenage girl with her two friends.

I could tell she wasn't quite I big fan of mine. I mean you might hate me, but would you really come up to me and scream it to mean, wow. I ignored them and just walked faster. I knew all the guys were staring at me.

Suddenly the girl jumped on me and I fell to the ground. She almost got to start a physical fight but the guys pulled her off before anything could happen. But of course she got some thing out of it and when the guys pulled her off she kicked me in the stomach.

I grabbed my stomach and groaned in pain, she actually got a good shot and aimed hard. "STAY AWAY FROM NASH" she screamed and then they all ran away.

"Are you okay, Melanie?" They all shot at me. "I'm fine" I said getting up and kept walking. I knew they were all staring at me strange. It still hurt, I was holding my stomach as we walked.

We got back home and I let my self fall to the couch. "That fan did not like you near Nashley" Matt said in a sassy tone. I quietly laughed.

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