Chatper 21 - Lawley

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I looked at Cameron who was giving Jack a look. I walked into the closet and so did Jack and the doors closed. We both stood the awkwardly. "We can just sit here for the whole 7 minutes if you want" he suggested.

"I don't want to he a party pooper so..." I said and with that I pushed my lips onto his. I'm not sure why I did, but I did. He pushed me against the wall and I lifted my legs and tied them around his waist.

"7 minutes is up" I heard Jenn's voice say and the closet door open I quickly jump off Jack but I knew Jenn saw. She gave me a smile and laughed a little. I quickly went back to my seat and sat down.

"Seemed to have some fun in there?" Someone said and laughed. I rolled my eyes. Jack and Jenn sat down and we finished playing the game without me being chosen again.

Once the game was over I just ran upstairs to my room. I was just really confused about everything going on right now. I looked around for my phone but couldn't find it, I thought I could have left it downstairs.

I ran downstairs, and as I was halfway down I tripped and fell. So much pain was coming from multiple parts of my body I just burst into tears. Everyone ran up to me and I could hear someone screaming "Come on! We need to get her to the hospital!"

I was laying on the ground and someone came and picked me up. I could tell that I was now in the car and laying down with my head on someone's lap.

I opened my eyes to see it was Cameron. He lightly kissed my lips. I was still crying and was still in a lot of pain. I got picked up again and I didn't bother opening my eyes because I was just super tired.

Before I knew it I was completely in deep sleep.

As I was sleeping I could here stuff around me. People coming in and out saying "We miss you" and stuff like that. But then someone came in and placed there lips on mine. At first I thought maybe it was Cameron but it didn't seem the same.


I woke up in a hospital bed, I remember falling down the stairs and being in so much pain, I still felt pain but not as bed as before. I looked around the room and nobody was here.

I looked around more and there was a boot on my right leg. I broke my leg? I've never broken a single bone in my whole body. The door on opened and in came a nurse. She was pretty short about 5'2 with dark brown hair up in a bun.

"Oh good, your awake. How are you feeling?" She asked. "Good I guess" I said even thought I was in pain. "How long was I out?" I asked. "Only three days" she said. "Three days!" I said, thinking that's a long time but for her not that much.

"There was people here earlier for you and they came in and checked up on you, I think they said they would be back. But, there was one guy who stayed and wanted to see you" she said and smiled.

"Okay can I see him?" I asked hoping it was Cameron. When he came in it was, Kian. "Ugh" I groaned jokingly. "You know you love me" he said and laughed.

"Are you okay? I've been so worried about you! I stayed here 3 days without barley any food, now don't you think that's rude to scare you best friend like that?" He asked.

"Aww Lawley, I'm fine, you didn't have to stay here for me without much food, I wouldn't if I were you" I said and laughed. He came up and hugged me, a light hug knowing not to hurt me.

"Kian, I love you. You're literally the best friend anyone could ask for" he said. "I know" he said then laughed. "You are too, and I love you too" he added.

Everyone came back a couple minutes later and piled into the room. "How are you feeling" Cameron said coming up to me and kissing my forehead. "Fine, better then when I actually fell. God, I'm clumsy" I said and laughed.

Later that day I got to go out of the hospital, with crutches. They gave me a warning not to jump or stuff that I could accidentally fall and hit my head, because it could cause a conclusion since I already hit my head.

We got home and I had to use my crutches which I tried not to use but they kept forcing me to use.

We got home and I laid on the couch taking up most of the space. "WHERES MY PHONE!" I scream. Mahogany hands me my phone and I thank her. I sit up and everyone sits on the couch. Cameron sits next to me and I kiss him.

Everyone kept asking me if my head or foot hurt if I needed more pillows. Cameron made me rest my foot on his legs and put a pillow on top of his legs and then I put my foot there.

They did almost everything for me that day. They were like my slaves. "You guys are my slaves" I say and laugh. "Mahogany can you make me sandwich" I asked trying to act snobby.

She gave me a sassy/dirty look and I quickly said "Never mind, you do you." The day passed by quick and before I knew it, it was already 10 pm.

I got super tired so Cameron carried me up the stairs. I told him I could walk up myself but he insisted on carrying me. We got to my room and I changed into grey loose drawstring sweat shorts, and just a loose grey t-shirt. Which was also I struggle putting everything on.

Cameron and I just cuddled until we were both asleep.


I tried making it long SORRY IM TRYING!!! I started school so I probably won't be updating as much. Probably just on the weekends

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