Part 4

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Golden flies:A tale of cool students Part 4Dedicated to Salley,Sindhuja and Elina who have been waiting for the update since a long time.

Sameer, Naina and other Golden Flies went to the near by sweet shop after the tuition class.Naina took cotton candy.Naina:Sameer...let's grab cotton candy.Sameer:Sure.They bought cotton candy.They all were tasting it.Naina:Yummy.Sameer who rolled his eyes upon Naina said:Sweet!Naina:Yes very sweet.Sameer said in his mind:I was calling you sweet Naina.Sameer was eating the cotton candy smiling and looking at Naina who was eating it like crazy.
Suddenly Naina saw him gaze at her.

Naina:Why are you staring at me?

Sameer:Nothing.You look cute while eating this.

She smiled and started observing him while eating.

Naina:You too look cute while eating it Sameer?

Swati and Manoj were chatting and having cotton candy.
Credit goes to the original editor

A new student entered the school compound.She smiled.
Suhail went towards her:You are the new student?Right?
She:Yes.I am Riya,the daughter of the City Commissioner.S:I am Suhail.Nice to meet you.Let us be friends.
RIYA:After some days i will decide if it was nice meeting you or not.Till then i am ready to mingle with test your friendship.
S:Sure.Come...i will take you to the class.
He took Riya to the class room.
Naina:Are you the new admission?
Sameer:But why did you join the school late?I mean only a few more months are there to complete schooling.
RIYA:Who are you to question me?
They did'nt expect Riya's sudden outburst.
All the Golden flies stood together:We are Golden flies.
Suhail:They are the notorious students of our class.
Riya gave a sarcastic smile:No one can be as notorious as me.
Naina:Why?Are you a criminal who escaped from the jail?
Riya got angry:You...
NAINA:Don't shout...we heard that the new student is the daughter of the City commissioner who is related to jail.That's why i asked you.
PANDIT:Why did you join our school in the mid year?
RIYA:Do you want to know that?
She took a compass from her pencil box and pointed it at PANDIT.
RIYA:One of my former classmates teased me for not drawing the circle properly with the compass. So in order to prove that i can also draw circles nicely with the compass i drew a circle on his face.
So i was given TC.So i joined this school.

They were shocked.
Suhail was nervous.He thought:I did a blunder by making friends with this violent mad girl.
Riya stared at PANDIT:Do you want to see how i draw circle on the face?
PANDIT was scared:No please...
Sameer snatched the compass from her hand.
He was very angry:How dare you try to hurt our friend?
RIYA:I am Riya.I will do whatever i feel like.
SAMEER:You can't do whatever you feel like when Golden flies are here.
Riya got irritated.
PANDIT whispered in Manoj's ears:What kind of a girl is this?
Manoj:Guess an alien creature.

Naina:She is only a cat.We can manage her easily.
Sameer:Exactly.Cats can be handled easily by Golden flies.

RIYA:I will show you who i am.
Riya was burning with anger.

Suhail and Riya were sitting in the canteen.
S:We can't defeat Golden flies.
RIYA:For you it's impossible.But for me it's easy.I have managed the worst students easily.
Suhail thought:Because you are the worst student.No one can be worse than you.

RIYA:By the way did you feel that making friends with me was blunder seeing my encounter with the Golden flies?
Suhail lied:No.
RIYA:Even if you think like that i don't have any problem.Because if you try to break your so-called friendship with me i will cut you into pieces.
Suhail got scared.Riya laughed.
RIYA:That Sameer...he shouted at me..and that Naina...i will not leave them.
S:It's not easy to defeat them.Sameer and Naina are lion and lioness.
RIYA:Ok.But i will hurt the other Golden flies.So that they both will be upset as they value their friendship the most.

Riya complained to the Principal that the Golden fly Ali Albert tried to hug her as a part of ragging.
Everybody was shocked especially Shilpa.
Ali was shattered.
Sameer:Believe us Shilpa Ma'am.Golden flies are naughty.But not cheap.And Ali is the most decent guy of our gang.He dreams only about standing on his own feet an taking care of his family.Unlike us he does'nt even look at girls.
Naina:He is not at all flirty.

Ali:I have not done anything like that.Please believe me.
Shilpa:You all don't need to give any explaination.I trust you all.I know that Golden flies can never cross the border.

They all were relieved.
Riya:They are lying Ma'am.Ali tried to...
Ali:Enough Riya.

The principal's definitely your misunderstanding.We all know Ali very well.If you had said this about others we would have believed you.But about Ali...
Kishore:If you make it an issue it will harm only your reputation Riya.Because you are are accusing an innocent boy unnecessarily.

Riya was irritated.
Everyone noticed Kishore's grey hair turned into black.
Naina:Sir..your coloured your hair black.You look younger now.
Kishore blushed:Really?
The golden flies went out of the room and burst into laughter.
Everybody went out of the office room except Riya.
RIYA:Sushama Ma' were unfair to me.
Su:Riya,you are my friend's daughter.That's why I gave you admission here even after knowing your character.But please don't spoil innocent students' lives.

Riya was irritated:I am leaving you only because you are my mom's friend.Otherwise...

She left the room.
Sushama thought:She does'nt even value or respect the Principal.Oh!What a brat!

Riya went back to the class room.The Golden flies rounded her.
Sameer:You can't escape easily after hurting our friend Ali.
Naina:Hurting one of the Golden flies means hurting the whole gang.
Preeti:We can't tolerate such cruel mischievous activities.

Manoj:Being a girl how could you defame an innocent boy and accuse him of doing something dirty like this?

Swati:This was too much.Poor Ali.Good that all the teachers and the Principal trusted Ali.Otherwise...

PANDIT:Unbearable creature.Shame on you.I have never seen a rotten girl like you.

Ali was controlling his anger.
Sameer:Ali...anyways she has complained that you tried to hug her.Then why don't you hug her in real?

Riya was shocked.
Ali looked at Sameer unbelievingly.
Sameer:Come on Ali.All our gang mates are with you.Come on.
PANDIT:Ali,don't waste the golden opportunity to hug a hot girl.
Sameer:Shed all the inhibitions and go ahead Ali.
Ali looked at Riya.He moved towards Riya.
Riya got scared.
RIYA:Don't come near me.I will shout.
Naina:You can't shout.We will close your mouth.
Naina closed her mouth with her hand.Preeti and Swati held her hands from behind.
Ali went very close to her.Riya was very scared.

Golden Flies: A Tale Of Cool Students SamAina FFWhere stories live. Discover now