Part 11

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Arjun was shocked to see Naina in a depressed state.
Naina wiped her tears.
Arjun:What happened Naina?
Naina tried hard to control her tears.
NAINA:I lost my love Arjun.Sameer does'nt love me.I saw him with Shefali.

Arjun was shocked.He held her hand.
Arjun:Naina,I can understand your pain.But love is sacrifice.Love is feeling happy seeing the person you love happy.So you should be happy that your best friend Sameer is with his love.Right?

Naina looked at Arjun with unbearable pain.Sameer saw Arjun and Naina looking at each other.He saw Arjun's hand on Naina.He was broken again.He left the place.

The next day...
Sameer and Naina looked at each other .Their eyes had pain.
Sameer thought:Why Naina looks sad?Yesterday she was so happy with Arjun.Then why is she sad now?
Naina thought:Why do i feel that Sameer is disturbed? He got the most stylish girl as his girl friend.He was happy with Shefali yesterday.Then what happened today?
SAMEER:Naina,Golden flies valued friendship more than anything else.But when love came in between Golden flies started playing hide and seek game. Manoj and Swati hid their silent love from us.And you...
SAMEER:Are you not hiding something from us?

Sameer looked deeply at her eyes.She was nervous.She thought:Did Sameer realize that i have feelings for him?
Naina remembered him getting close to Shefali.
She stared at him:What about you?Are you not hiding something?I know everything.

She walked away.Sameer was shocked.
SAMEER:Does Naina know that i love her?

Sameer and Naina were not able to concentrate on the lecture.They were looking at each other with pain.

Arjun saw Shefali.
He thought:Unknowingly she has become the reason behind Naina's tears and Shefali is unaware of it.
Arjun walked off.

Arjun went near Naina.
Arjun:Naina..are you still dull?Come on yaar.Don't be depressed.After the bell rings in the evening i am going to run to the near by restaurant to meet my cousins.They are coming there to meet me.Our class mate Sanju is also accompanying me.You also come along with us.
NAINA:No Arjun... need a change.You come.I can assure you that you will laugh forgetting all your worries if you meet my cousins.They are so funny.Their humour sense is outstanding.
NAINA:No Arjun...

Arjun pulled his ears with a smile:Please join us Naina.Unnowingly she smiled:Ok,
Arjun became happy.
They went to the restaurant.
Sameer who passed by saw Arjun and Naina chatting and laughing with others.Sameer's face became dull:Naina has gone away...a long distance between us now.She is with Arjun,Sanju and others.I guess they have formed a new group.A new group of friends.

He felt upset.He went away.
Before parting their ways Arjun looked deeply at Naina's face.
NAINA:Why are you looking at me like this Arjun?
Arjun:I am happy to see your smile after many days.

NAINA:It's because of you Arjun.If you had not brought me here i would not have been able to smile.Thanks a lot Arjun.You are a true friend.

He smiled happily as Naina's words left some hope in him.
Shilpa was walking in the corridor.Somebody caught her saree pallu.She turned back with a shock.It was Kishan.She was surprised and smiled.Shilpa:Leave my saree.She pulled her pallu back.He smiled and went near her.Shilpa:Badtaameez.Are you not ashamed?You are a teacher and in school you are doing this?Kishan:Oh come on Shilpa.Now I am your lover too.So some kind of mischief is permitted.Right?She blushed.Shilpa:No way Kishan.This is a school.So be in your limits.Kishan:Ok.But without crossing my limits I can romance you.Right?Shilpa are behaving like a young boy whose love story just started.Kishan:I am still young at heart and my love too is young whenever I see you.And this is the new start of our love story.Right?Then how can I be not extra romantic?Shilpa became shy:You are too much Kishan.Kishan giggled.

He went towards her ears and whispered:You took very gorgeous now.She could not stop blushing.

After a month...
Riya's mother Rekha met Ali.
R:Thank you so much for helping us.Considering our request you pretended to be in love with Riya.Riya has a lot of change now.The doctor said that now Ali should not be pressurized to continue this drama.You can stop this drama.I know that you hate Riya as she has troubled you a lot.Riya was like that only because of her mental state.Please don't hate her.
Rekha was almost in tears.ALI:What are you saying aunty?I don't hate Riya.Infact i have started loving her.
Rekha looked at her unbelievingly.
ALI:Yes aunty.I don't know how and when i started loving Riya.
R:What are you saying Ali? Riya was behaving like that due to her mental state.But you...You are only in school.

ALI:Trust me.My love is not childish.I really love her.

R:My daughter is lucky to have you.
Sohail overheard this.He had a wicked smile on his face.

Sohail went after Riya during the lunch break.
RIYA:Don't come after me.I told you.
S:When you got Golden flies you broke our friendship.
RIYA:Friendship?Your's was never true friendship.You just used me against Golden flies.
S:Don't be proud that Golden flies are with you.Actually they are betraying you.Especially Ali.
Riya burst out:What?What did you say about Ali?If you utter a word against Ali i will...
S:Will you kill me?I know that you can go to any extent as your mind is out of control.You are under psychiatric treatment.Right?
Riya was shocked.Sohail gave a sarcastic smile.
S:Ali was trying to fool you.He did not have love for you when he came to the hospital to see you.The doctor told him that you may die if he does'nt accept you as his girl friend.He was scared whether he will get arrested if he becomes the reason for your death.That's why he pretended to love you.

S:If you have any doubt ask Ali.

Riya went towards Ali. it because you thought that my life was in danger you said that you like me in the hospital?
RIYA:Yes or no?
His lips shivered:Yes.
Riya was shattered.
Riya bursst into tears.
RIYA:So you were cheating on me.I trusted you blindly like a fool.

ALI:No are misunderstanding me.
Riya pulled the collar of his shirt:Stop lying you cheat!
She pushed him.Again she pulled his shirt's collar like a violent animal:Youuu!
The Golden flies were shocked.They came and pulled Riya back.
RIYA:Leave me.
Riya went out.Sohail was laughing like hell.
Ali cried.Golden flies felt sad.
Sohail went after Riya.
S:Riya,now you understood the truth.Right?
RIYA:But don't try to have friendship with me.
S:You are a mental patient.Still you are so proud.
Riya's heart was wounded deeply.

Riya destroyed all the pillows in her bed room.
Rekha got angry:What is this Riya?Why are you destroying things?
and why did'nt you go to the hostel?

RIYA:I am not going there.
RIYA:I can't go there.That's it.
Riya stared at her parents.She looked strange.Rekha:Riya!
Riya burst into tears:Mom and dad knew that Ali was pretending to love me.Right?Still you all hid it from me.Riya's parents became upset.Rekha:You are misunderstanding Riya.Ali really loves you.Riya:Please don't lie to me at least now.Rekha:But Riya...Riya:Now everybody knows that i was under treatment.I can face anyone.
Riya' parents were shocked.They hugged her to pacify her.

Sohail swallowed drugs and laughed insanely.

Ali was upset that Riya stopped coming to school.
ALI:Her life is getting spoiled. I hope at least she will complete schooling in correspondence.

Sameer:Don't worry yaar.All the misunderstandings will get cleared soon.
That time Sohail put drugs in Sameer's bag and rang up police.
S:Calling from Pragati Vidya Ka Mandir.The student named Sameer Maheshwari sells drugs secretly in the school.His school bag is stuffed with drugs.

The Police men came.
"Who is Sameer Maheshwari?We heard that he sells brown sugar in the school".
Sushama was shocked.
Su:It's a misunderstanding.Our students don't do that.

Police:We will judge them.
They reached Sameer's classroom.
Police: Sameer Maheshwari?
Sameer stood up.
SAMEER:Yes.I am Sameer Maheshwari.
Police:Do you sell brown sugar here?
SAMEER was shocked:What?Brown Sugar?No.

Shilpa was shocked:Sir...Sameer will never do that.From where did you get the wrong information?He is a nice boy.
Police:We will decide that after checking his school bag.

They opened his bag and found a packet of drugs.Everybody was shocked.

Golden Flies: A Tale Of Cool Students SamAina FFWhere stories live. Discover now