Part 8

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Dedicated to Mansi for giving a jodi name to Arjun Naina-ArjNain

Naina looked at Sameer:Sameer..I have a wish.

Naina:Will you fulfill my wish?
Sameer:Have I ever not fulfilled your wish?
She smiled.
Naina:I want to do cycling.I mean we both in the same cycle.
He was surprised:Really?
Naina blushed:Ya.
Sameer:But why?
Naina became shy:Simply..for fun.
He smirked.

Sameer sat on Sameer's cycle in front while he rode it.
They felt a strange sensation in their body when they sat so close to each other in the cycle.
Thy enjoyed the cycle riding very much.

Naina was taking down notes from Arjun's book.Naina:Oh...I did'nt finish it yet.Arjun went near her:Take your own time Naina.After completing it only you need to return it.Naina:Are you sure?Arjun:Yes.Naina:Thank you Arjun.So sweet of you.He smiled looking at her deeply which she did not notice.
Kishore was collecting assignments from the students.
Kishore:Riya...did you submit the assignment?
Her lips shivered:Actually... Immediately Ali got up and said:Sir,she is the first person to submit it. Kishore checked the assignments and found Riya's assignment.
Kishore:Yes.It's there. Riya looked at Ali unbelievingly.Ali smiled.Riya became emotional.
She thought:Ali saved me.
Sameer whispered in his ears:You wrote her assignment.Right? Ali kept quiet. Riya passed a chit to Ali.He opened it."Thank you Ali for saving me.Love you".Ali looked at Riya.They both smiled at each other.

After the class Sameer got ready to go for sports.
SAMEER:Naina,can you return Shefali's notebook to her?I have to go for practice. NAINA:Ok.
Sameer gave her Shefali's notebook.Naina looked for Arjun.
NAINA:Where is Arjun?He has already gone for sports?Then Sameer..please return his notebook to him.
Naina gave him Arjun's notebook. Naina was walking with the note book looking for Shefali.
NAINA:Where is Shefali?Anyways I will wait for her.
Naina just went through the pages of the notebook.She was shocked to see a pencil sketch of Sameer.
There it's written:My sweet Sameer.
Naina was shocked. Naina:My God!Shefali loves Sameer secretly?If she confesses her love to him on the Valentine's day he might fall for her as Shefali is the most beautiful girl in our class.And her mesmerizing smile will surely attract Sameer.She remembered Sameer dancing with Shefali at her birthday party.
Naina:Does Sameer too love Shefali?Why I am feeling uncomfortable about it?Is it because I love him? She thought of the recent moments she spent with Sameer.Their cheeks rubbed each other's skin in the pub, their dance in talent's day show,Sameer lifted up her skirt and applied ointment,he carried her in his arms to the sick room,Sameer's special song for her on her birthday.
NAINA:Yes,I think it's love.I love Sameer.Oh God!
Shefali came:Hi Naina!
Naina stared at her.
SHEFALI:Why are you looking at me like this?
NAINA:Nothing like that.
She gave her the notebook.
NAINA:Sameer entrusted me to give this to you.
SHEFALI:O!Thank you Naina.

While Sameer was walking with the notebook,a paper fell off the book .He took it.He was shocked to see a romantic poem above which it was written:To my love Naina.
SAMEER:Arjun loves Naina?Damn it.
He watched Arjun playing football with anger.Then he thought:Why should I be angry with Arjun?Just because he loves Naina am I angry with Arjun?
Arjun looked at him.
SAMEER:Here is your notebook.Naina had entrusted me to return it to you.
Arjun:Thanks a lot Sameer.

Sameer too started playing foot ball.But his eyes followed Arjun unknowingly with jealousy and irritation.
Sameer,PANDIT,Manoj and Ali were sitting together.
PANDIT:Valentine's day is coming up.We should definitely rock.
PANDIT:Sameer...who was your first love?
Suddenly Naina's face came into his mind.He thought:My God!Naina...?
Sameer:Yet to experience love.What about you?
PANDIT:When I was in grade 2,I fell in love with my class teacher.She was hot.
Everybody started laughing.
PANDIT was shy.
PANDIT:Manoj...your first love?
Manoj smiled thinking of Swati.He thought:I can't reveal it now.They will tease me.
PANDIT:I know that a book worm like you would not have got time to fall in love.Ali...your first love? Ali's face became dull.
Ali was not interested to discuss about it.
Sameer:Ali is thinking more about Riya.He cares for Riya.In fact he only thinks of Riya's happiness and health.He even wrote assignment for Riya to save her from punishment.Riya is Ali's first love. Ali looked at Sameer unbelievingly.Ali:What are you saying Sameer?Are you out of your senses? Sameer smiled:Guess you are not in your senses,not me.You are always thinking of Riya's pain if she will get hurt by others.If this not love,then what is it?Ali was confused.Sameer:Riya changed her personality completely for you.No one can love you more than her.So you should not cheat on her.This love drama you are doing with her is dangerous Ali.
Ali became emotional.He thought:Oh God...what should I do?
Shilpa appeared there:Hi guys...what discussion is going on?
Sameer:We were thinking of how to celebrate Valentine's day.
S:Oh!Just in school.Still thinking of Valentine's day?Naughty guys.They all became shy.
PANDIT:Ma'am,who was your first love?
Shilpa's face became dull.
PANDIT:Sorry Ma'am if I have hurt you.
S:It's ok.I don't believe in love.
PANDIT:Why Ma'am?
S:Because...the person I loved wanted only my money,not my love.
She was very upset.
They became upset.Manoj:Sorry Ma'am.But how can someone not see your heart and love Ma'am?You are so nice.Shilpa:It's my fate.Sameer:Very soon you will meet someone who loves you from the bottom of his heart.Shilpa walked off without responding.
Shilpa's class...
Suddenly The principal Sushama came with a man.Shilpa was shocked to see him.Sushma:Shilpaji..this is our new Chemistry teacher..Mr.Kishan Kumar.
Kishan smiled at her:Hello Miss Shilpa.Shilpa sweated:Hello.
Sushama looked at the students:Meet Mr.Kishan Kumar.He is your new Chemistry Sir. Kishan smiled:Hi children.Good Morning. The students wished him:Good morning Sir.The girls were thrilled to see him.
Naina:He is so handsome.
Swati:So cute. Preeti:So handsome. Riya:So manly.

Shefali:So dashing. Shilpa was becoming uncomfortable and suffocated.Sameer noticed it.

Golden Flies: A Tale Of Cool Students SamAina FFWhere stories live. Discover now